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"What did you do to Madison?" Toby asked Jace as he walked into the store.

"I am not the one at fault here. She's the one being overly dramatic and controlling," Jace grumbled.

"What happened? She told you that you can't hang out with Emery and you called her out on it?" Toby asked.

"Not just Emery. Any girls in general. She can't do that. She can't tell me who I can and cannot hang out with."

"Damn right. You stayed at home last night then?"

"Yeah. Nova was asking me questions about the fight and I was sure she was gonna take Madison's side, but she didn't. That's how I know I'm right."

"You gonna go see her today?"

"No, I'm not going to see her. I told her we could talk after I get off today. She can come see me if she wanna talk so bad."

"You're really pissed, huh?"

"I sure am. She needs to cut that shit out. I'm gonna go restock some CDs," Jace said and walked away.

The rest of their day went on just like that: Jace complaining about Madison and then doing a small amount of work. He dreaded the talk he and Madison would have at the end of his shift because he knew Madison was gonna do something so that he would have no choice but to forgive her.

"Toby, I'm leaving now. I'll call you later and tell you how our little talk goes," Jace said as he walked past Toby to leave the store.

"Alright, man. Don't say anything you'll regret," Toby said and waved him off.


"Jadin! Nova! I'm home!" Jace said as he walked into the house. Nova came running downstairs.

"Madison's upstairs. She's been here since this morning. She really, really wants to talk to you," she said. Jace sighed loudly.

"Fine," he said and set his stuff down. He went up the stairs and into his bedroom.

"Hey, baby," Madison said.

"Madison, what are you doing here? And why are you wearing that?" Jace asked, gesturing at her "outfit." She was dressed in some sexy lingerie that she had bought the other night.

"You don't like it? I wore it just for you," she said in an innocent voice.

"Madison, I don't have time for this. Did you come here to have a serious conversation or what? Because if you think I'm having sex with you after what you said to me and how you were acting yesterday, then you might as well leave right now," he said. Madison stood up and walked over to Jace.

"Okay, I'll be serious," she said.

"Put your clothes on before you talk to me," he said. She dressed quickly.

"Baby, I am so sorry for the way I acted yesterday," she said.

"Okay. And? You made me feel like you think that you can tell me who I can and cannot hang out with. Why were you being like? Do you feel like Emery is a threat to our relationship or something?" he asked.

"Jace, have you even seen her?! She's fucking beautiful! Why would I not feel like she's a threat to our relationship? How would you feel if I suddenly became all buddy-buddy with some hot guy?" Madison shouted.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Madison?! You think I like it that basically every fucking guy you work with is overly attractive? I don't think that they're a threat to our relationship and you've been around those guys for years! So why the fuck do you feel like a girl who is friends with all of us could mess up our relationship just like that? I don't have feelings for her, Mads. I love you and only you."

"I know, baby. I'm sorry that I doubted that. When you told me that you were helping her and having lunch with her and stuff, I felt super jealous," Madison said and Jace pulled her into his arms.

"You have nothing to worry about, princess. If there is something ever wrong between us, then I will let you know and I hope you do the same. Can we please not fight over something like this again?" he asked.

"I would like that. I love you, pookie," she said, smiling up at him.

"I love you more, baby boo," Jace said then kissed her forehead.


"So how'd the talk with Madison go?" Toby asked as he walked into Jace's room. Jace was napping.

"Huh?" Jace asked, confused as to why Toby was in his room. He sat up and stretched.

"Your talk with Madison. How was it?" he asked again, kicking his shoes off.

"Sure get comfortable why don't you," Jace mumbled. "The talk went as expected. We argued, I said some cute shit to make her realize she was being hella ridiculous, called her a cute nickname, she apologized, we told each other we love each other, the end. All is forgiven." Jace laid back down and pulled his blankets close to him.

"Pretty standard fight. But the real question is: did you guys have makeup sex?" Toby asked with an eyebrow raised. Jace cracked a small smile.

"No, we didn't. Surprising, I know. But she was here when I got home from work and when I came in my room, she was laying on my bed in nothing but some lingerie piece. I had to control myself and stand my ground."
Toby laughed at Jace.

"That's hilarious. Well, at least that's taken care of. But, I have some good or bad news. Depending on how you take it," Toby said.

"What is it?" Jace said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"After you left the store, Emery came by. We talked for a while and then it was time for me to go. While I was getting my things, I overheard her talking to Rosalie," he said.

"Okay. And? What did she say?" Jace asked, becoming impatient.

"I heard her say that she thinks she has feelings for one of her new friends here. Rosalie asked her if it was a boy or a girl. She said a boy. So Rosalie asked her if she liked one of us then she got all quiet."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that even though I am a sexy beast, there is no way she likes me. I don't spend nearly as much time with her as you do and you talk to her more when she stops by. It's gotta be you, dude."

"Well, we can't ask her. She's gonna think we're all self absorbed and if you tell her what you heard, she's gonna think you're an eavesdropper and not trust us anymore. We just gotta leave it alone and let whatever happens happen," Jace said and closed his eyes. Toby got on the bed on the opposite side of Jace.

"I guess you're right. I don't want our friendship with her to be ruined," Toby said and closed his eyes as well.

"Are you gonna take a nap?" Jace mumbled. Toby's light snores gave him his answer.

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