Chapter 2 • Headlines

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   Fan girls were killing themselves over this whole belligerent act. It was even belligerent if you ask me. He is "... To do what's right in his (my) heart."

  I kept waking up every night around 3 or 4 or paint. Every time I did Harry would beg me to go back to sleep but I couldn't not til at least 5. And that was enough time to sketch. This time it was 3:35am. Everything in me wanted up. When I sat up Harry sat up too.
"Why do you always wake up at this time?"
"I don't know but I'm going to paint." I pulled the overs off. He reached for me.
"Mj." He whispered. "Just go back to sleep."
"I can't." He bagan to antagonize me. Or negotiate in my opinion by stretching and kissing my back.

"Please stay

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"Please stay. I want to wake up with you next to me." I huffed.
"Ok." I laid back down. "I'll try."

  I felt like a teenager walking the walk of shame after being out too late that morning as I came in from the garage. I curled my lips in.
"What were you painting?" Harry asks as he opens the fridge.
"Emma Watson." I like to paint celebrities and icons, buildings and memorials.
"That's damn good." Louis says as he comes in though the garage holding groceries. He sets them on the table and the rest of the guys go to check it out. I follow them.
"Wow, that's amazing M."
"I love it."

I'm not sure who the artist is to give credit but she had gone some other geat ones

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I'm not sure who the artist is to give credit but she had gone some other geat ones.
"Good job babe." Harry kissed the side of my face making it wet.
"Harry!" I wiped it off and he ran back inside. The doors locked.
"Harry!" We called.
"Oh Harriet!" Niall called.
"Ew gross, go away." He said.
"We are away." Liam stated the obvious.

The guys say their cool with Zayn and everything but they aren't acting like it. I decided to make the nimrod decision to talk to David. We were shopping in some high class store where I didn't belong.
"You know fan girls are killing themselves over this?" He says.
"It's stupid."
"No honey, they are literally killing themselves."
"Are you serious?"
"David that's awful!" He nodded. "Is his my fault?"
"Oo, honey that's on you." David can be such an ass.

"Zayn, it's my fault. I feel so bad. My focus was on your dream. I forgot about the headlines." I frantically paced the room.
"Mara, it's not your fault-"
"But I said go and do it."
"Mara, look at me, it's not your fault. I could have not listened to you and just kept going-"
"But this is by fault!"
"No it's not." Something about the way he said that unflustered me. He put his hands on my shoulders. "This is my life Mara, and you have to let me live it."

  I got in bed with Harry. It's been an exhausting day.
"I need a nap." I cuddled next to him.
"It's only 5." He yawned.
"I'm tired." He rubbed my arm.
"Still need to make dinner."
"Order in." I nestled my head in his chest. My fingers tracing his tattoos.
"Marry me." He said. I sat up.
"You know how I feel about this."
"So you had one bad experience with a bad guy."
"He didn't show at the alter!"
"I would never do that." He sat up too. His hand on my cheek.
"Mara jay, I love you."
"I don't know." My hand on top of his.
"Be with me?"

The fire alarm went off.
"What the bloody hell!?" Harry uncovered us. He ran into the kitchen. I trailed behind.
"Dinner?" Louis said with a smile as smoke can out of the oven. I laugh as Harry yelled.
"Really Louis?" He said.
"What smells good tonight?" Liam came in rubbing his hands together.
"He burned it, stupid." I told him. Just then the door opened and Niall and a short girl walked in kissing. Not once did their lips unlock.
"Order in?" Harry says.
"Yup." Then we dispersed to our rooms while Niall continued not even acknowledging our presence.

  That night I felt like I was getting sick. Harry shut the door when he walked in.
"I don't feel that great." I told him. He pulled me I it a tight hug and kissed my forehead.
"You know that thing you always try and make me do?" My eyes got big.
"Face masks?" He smiled.
"I'll get the things!" He chuckled as I ran into the bathroom. He stood there still as a soldier.
"What?" I ask.
"Mara jay, you are incredible."

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