Chapter 21 • And Then There Were Three

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We leave for tour today but not before we find out the gender. That was our social media announcement. It all started in a little cafe...

"Meet us at the bus around 12. We'll get lunch." Niall says. He thinks we're going to the store to get snacks.
"Excited?" Harry asks.
"Mmm huh." I smile
"About tour?" Niall asks.
"Yes I'm ecstatic!" Steph yells sarcastically.
"You guys are weird." He says. Liam makes a high pitched laugh. "What?"
"Nothing." He clears his throat.

At the office we all four go in together. Hand in hand. Our hearts racing. We've only been here one other time before this. I hope they're ok. I rub my stomach.
"Mara Jay." They call. "And Stephanie." We stand up to go. They put us in separate rooms. Each marked maternity. Harry helps me in the bed and lifting up my shirt.
"How has Niall not realized it yet?" He asks.
"I don't know." I laugh. He put his hand on my stomach.
"Just insane." He says. I tilt my head.
"What part?"
"That there is human life growing in you." He kissed me. Letting his lips linger for a minute before a knock on the door disrupts us.
"Are we ready?" Doctor Uksinski asks.
"I am." I say. Harry took my hand and gripped it.
"Gonna be a little cold." I nodded. The doctor rubbed the probe around my stomach.
"How many weeks?" She asked.
"12." I replied.
"That's a little early to find he gender. But would you like to listen to the heartbeat?"
"Yes please." Harry says. She turned in the sound as we watched our little amore mio.
"They're about the size of a plum." She informed us. I felt my eyes close and my cheeks stretch to reach my eyes. Harry's lips danced on my forehead. Was this real? We're we really having a baby? Or was this a dream. Were we back in the slums of London struggling to pay rent after mom died and we could no longer provide for ourselves? I hated those days. Full of hate and sorrow. Until I met Harry.
"Beat of a steady drum." He says.

  She told us that her guess was a boy but we can come back in in 3-5 to look for any signs of gender

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  She told us that her guess was a boy but we can come back in in 3-5 to look for any signs of gender. It mainly depends on how he baby sits and the visibility. But we don't care. All we care about is the health which looks perfect. After finishing the last touches on paperwork we waited for Steph and Louis. She's a few weeks farther along so I didn't surprise me that they got to find out the gender.
"Oh boy." Steph mouths as Louis pulls out his wallet at the counter.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You tell me first."
"She couldn't tell but her bets are its a boy." I tell her.
"It's a boy." Louis turns to say with a smile I've never seen on his face before. It had character. And it had glow.

  After being dropped off at the bus the boys helped load the luggage. There were going to be opportunities to stay in hotels along the way and we did have a little shower but things were going to be different with 4 guys, 2 pregnant women, and the crew which was about 3. Not to mention the other bus with gear and another with more crew. Yeah, we're definitely going to be staying in hotels often.
"Let the 5 months begin." Steph says as she lays on the couch.
"This is stressful." David says.
"Here." I hand him ultrasound pictures.
"What's this?" He looks closer at him.
"You're gonna be an uncle honey." Steph says.
"What?" He looks up at me and smiles. "Really?" I nodded.
"Is it a boy or a girl?"
"We haven't found out yet."
"Oh my gosh!" He starts to jump around.
"These are mine. It's a boy." Steph says showing him. The boys walk on the bus.
"Have you seen these?!" David says.
"David!" Steph and I yell.
"What?" He turn back to them. "Look."
"You think I wouldn't know David?" Harry laughs.
"What?!" Niall says.
"Thanks David." I say with annoyance.
"What? You were gonna see how long until he realized?" He laughed.
"Yes, that's was the plan!" Steph shouts.
"Fuck you." Niall says. He pull out his middle fingers.
"Fuck you." We laughed.

Only a couple hours into this and the guys are going crazy. Morning sickness got the best of me at hour 3. The boys were reenacting couples poses that they found on Google.
"Don't grip my ass!" Niall says.
"That's what the picture says!" Harry ranted. He picked him up.
"Get your hand off my ass." Niall whispered with their foreheads touching. That's when the laughing fit started.
"MJ come here." Harry held out his hand.
"Ugh!" I sat up and walked to him. He picked me up just like the photo. His hand on my butt and out foreheads touching.
"That's how you do it." He says. After. Few more poses the boys began to mess around. Doing weird poses all over the bus.

  It was getting late

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It was getting late. I was in the back working. Managing tours and sketching. Ever since I found out I've been planning the baby room. Down to the smallest details like the wood on the dresser. I shoved and handful of popcorn in my mouth. The separation was closed but you could hear Louis and Steph getting ready for bed. Everybody lounged around in the back with me trying to get work without falling asleep at their computers. 8 beds and and the back of the bus lines with couches sounded like enough and it was but i underestimated how easy with would while pregnant. Liam and Niall were falling asleep while watching the bachelorette. David already set up his bed next to me. Harry somehow convinced the bus driver to let him drive. It was quiet. Louis opened the separator and helped Steph into bed. Watching him, how he treated her, was a surreal thing. I'm having a baby! I don't think I've fully examined that sentence. I don't think I've wrapped my head around the fact I'm gonna be a mom. My phone rang.
"Hello?" I whispered.
"Hey, make it there ok?" It was dad.
"Yeah, doing good."
"Glad to hear it." I looked at my watch.
"It's late dad, why don't you go to bed."
"I just wanted to hear your voice."I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see it.
"We went to the doctor."
"What did they say?"
"Heart beat of a steady drum."
"That's my boy." I tilted my head.
"You think it's a boy?"
"I don't know why I said that."
"The doctor thinks so too."
"It doesn't matter as long as I'm still gonna be a grandpa."
"You will, I can promise you that."
"How's David?" I looked at him. Curled up with a baby blanket our mother made him. It was up to shreds.
"Stressed." Harry walked in and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder.
"It's only one tour." Dad said.
"If he does a good job I don't see why we wouldn't bring him back."
"That is if they can pull through while Zayn is doing his own thing." I looked at Harry. I brushed his hair with my fingers.
"I know they can do it. It's if they want to that is the deal breaker."

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