Chapter 6 • Steph

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Got to step up my game...^

Everyone was awake and getting ready at 9:30. It must have been a new record. Louis has a new girlfriend who's moving in today and he wants us to be presentable.
"I'm tired!" Harry yelled at Louis. He ignored him. His eyes were fixed on the door.
"I see what the big deal is." Liam says as he strums a guitar in the couch.
"Liam you've slept with every girl in the city, I want something real." He explains.
"Whatever." He jots down some notes. I'm tossing raisins in Niall's mouth from across the room.
"Oh yeah."
"Can you not?" Louis asks.
"What? You want us to hide who we are the entirety you're together?"
"Yes." He said that like I should have known. I have him a funny look.
"The first day I walked in this door Liam's pants were on the lamp, Niall was Doug dishes in his boxers and you were brushing your teeth with your finger."
"What about me?" Zayn asks.
"Sleeping on the balcony."
"It was a wild party!" Louis defended. Harry chuckled. We sat at the bar. He pulled me in and out his arms around me. Resting his chin on my shoulder as I talked.
"What you're giving her is a lie." He didn't speak for a minute.
"Fine, fuck on the couch!" He threw his hand in the hair and went to his room.
"Hey!" I yelled.
"We'll fuck in the bedroom thank you very much." Harry says. We laughed.

Louis girl, Stephanie, is late.
"Starting to believe she's not real." Liam says.
"She'll be here."
"Louis we have to catch a plane soon." I say.
"She's coming. Ok?" Just then there was a knock at the door.
"Not ready!" Harry pulled me forcefully into his lap. I laughed at the surprise it gave me. He began kissing me rapidly. I was not interested.
"Knock it off." Louis told him. Harry stopped and the door opened. There stood a beautiful girl. Perfectly dyed blonde hair, perfect eye liner, perfect accent.
"Hi." She waved with a big smile. Not shy one bit shy.
"Damn." Harry and I say at the same time. We look at each other.
"I'm Stephanie." She replied. Harry and i's attention was back on her. Louis quickly hugged and kissed her. It was already visible that he was protective over her. Has Harry is with me. As they guys are with me.
"Liam." Harry and I walked over to introduce ourselves.
"My MJ." Harry said under his breath.
"Nice meeting you." I kid you not we almost missed out flight because we talked forever. There was so much about her that we could all connect with. She was a really fun person to be around. I look forward to her staying with us. Maybe as long as Harry and I have been together. Maybe.

"Mr. Styles." A flight attendant handed him a cup of ice and poured in some water.
"Thank you." She walked away.
"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask.
"Mm hum." He was drinking his water.
"You know how my mother had breast cancer?" He put his cup down and ravaged for my hand. "I'm around that age that I need to get a mammogram."
"I'm can check for you." I slightly chuckled.
"That's mighty kind of you..."
"Free of charge." I think he was just trying to lighten the mood. He motioned with his hand what he went 'by check for me'. I let him talk and explain his ignorant 'plan'. Then he just looked at me. He knew it was stupid. He hated talking about my mother because it always depressed me. Then he spoke again.
"I think that's a good idea."

The plane soon landed and we boarded off. Finally we were in LA. I've always loved it here. The palm trees, the sun, the people. Everyone was different here, some good, some bad, but mostly good people. As we walked down the sidewalk a man and his buddy whistled at Steph and I. Catcalling. Immediately the guys got defensive and swarmed them.
"Louis." Steph cringed.
"Get used to it, you're apart of the Mara protection." She side smirked.
"They really do care. I just got here."
"They really do. You're only the 2rd girl to make it this far.
"Who was the other?"
"She cheated."
"Can I ask a weird question?"
"Have at it."
"Have you ever cheated?"
"No. And I don't plan to. It would hurt Harry too much. Between you and I, he's asked to marry me several times." It was so weird hat I could just tell her anything and everything.
"Why haven't you said yes? The wedding of the century!" I chuckled.
"It's not that simple." I brushed my hair back.
"Oh, if you don't mind me asking."
"I got left at the alter by my high school sweetheart."
"Oh Mara."
"He sandy worth it."
"Well, I think you and Harry, are perfect right now. The next step you take is between you guys-"
"Assholes." Liam said
"Can't keep their mouth shut." Zayn added. As we started walking again steph and I looked at each other with smiles as they ranted about the guys. That was loyalty and I was never going to break that.

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