Mara Jay Hansen is roommates with one direction. She's an interior designer building her dream. After struggling with Harry constantly asking her to marry him she breaks and leaves. Harry is broken and so is Mara. Mara reconnects with her ex-fiancé...
I woke up to the classic pebbles being thrown at my window like I was Juliet or something. Harry was dead asleep and snoring. There was a 99% chance of a hangover for him. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen where I proceed to the backyard. "Mara!" I heard. There was no need to be defensive. It was just Sean. "That call was crossing the line!" I tell him. "Baby." "Don't you every call me that. I'm Mara to you and that's all I'll ever be." "My wife Mara." "I walked out on you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. It was dead silent. It took courage for me to speak again. "Sean I do not love you. That is why I left you at the alter. When are you going to get that through your thick skull?! I do not love you Sean Peters! None whatsoever!" He was shaken by my words. "I think it's best if you left before security escorts your ass. Stay away from my family." I locked the back door and went back to my room. Today is the Tomlinson wedding and nothing is going to rain on their parade. Over my dead body.
Max woke me up at 7am. I brought him Into the bedroom. "Good morning." I say to Harry as I bounce Max on my hip. "Morning." He stretched. "You need to hurry and eat breakfast. It's almost 8 and the ceremony is at 11." "You take Max while I do my make up." "I've got to eat breakfast." "No, you both do. Peas and carrots." His face scrunched up. "Ew, you feed him that?" Even Max scrunched his face up." He doesn't even think it sounds appetizing." "Please, you eat noting but junk food. Maybe you could try some. And do some lunges." "Fuck you." I don't know why we do this to each other but we always quote that song. He hummed the rest while I'm thinking of you as my husband.
I was curling Steph's hair. We were talking a it last night. "What kind of argument were you and Harry having last night? It was pretty loud." "Argument?" I tried to act like I didn't know what she was talking about. "Screaming and yelling." "Look, this is your day and I'm not going to let a stupid argument ruin it for you." "It wasn't Harry was it?" I placed some flowers in her hair. "Time to get married."
I walked down the aisle with Michael. He was the ring bearer. I loved the smile on Louis face. I handed him to Steph's mom then went back to the door to walk down as a bridesmaid. The entourage tried not to laugh. I hooked my arm with Harry's. I waved to dad who was holding Max. It room was warm with love. Together Steph and Louis had 6 sisters. All of whom were disappointed when I was chosen maid of honor. Oops. Then it was time for Steph to walk. But she didn't. She didn't come out. We worried. "The bride is gathering her thoughst." The preacher said. I picked up my dress and ran down the aisle. The entourage gasped. "MJ." Harry looked frustrated as he flung his hands on his head. The boy began to cry. "Steph?" I followed the cries. "Go away." She replied. I found her on a bench. I sat next to her and let her cry on my shoulder. "What are you doing out here?" She lifted her head to talk. "I'm scared! Mara I'm 26 and I have a child! Last year I was working at Nandos on minimum wage." "I know a lot has happened with the unplanned pregnancies and the jump within the last year but you have held yourself together far better than I ever could. The only thing you have brought, is happiness and love. You are a sister to me and I know you love Louis just as much." She looked away. "Your sisters are waiting and so is he. Louis is ready to spend the rest of his life with you." She nodded, wiped her eyes and picked up her dress. "Let's do this."
The ceremony had me in tears. I've never seen either of them more happy. The photographer snapped a picture, Michael in Steph's arms and Louis kissing Steph's head. Their life is complete. It's picture perfect and for the first time in my life I realized, that's what I want.
It was time for Max to go down but it was too loud and no where to put him. He finally fell asleep during dinner. Harry was being a child. Throwing grapes at Liam across the dance floor. I kicked his foot. "Would you behave?" He completely ignored me and grabbed an orange off a try a waiter was holding. "Harry." I sternly warned. He threw it at Liam and he winced as his back was pelted. "Harry!" I hit his arm while he laughed. "Alright, now I'm done." Max awoke with a cry. I began feeding him and Harry started to annoy me by snap chatting me. "Would you stop?" I covered Max's face. "But I love you." "You are so fake." I laughed. "I am not!" The mic screeched and we looked over at Louis. "All the single ladies in the dance floor." He said. I messed with Harry by started to stand up. "Really?" He asked. I sat back down. "You're right, Max is my everything." "Ugh huh." He rolled his eyes. "Sure. Forget about me." He put his hand on my leg then pulled away. "Three!" "Two!" "One!" The bouquet was thrown in the air and all of the women on the dance floor created a path that ended at me. I was beyond confused and embarrassed. Harry caught the bouquet. All eyes were on me. "Mara Jay Hansen, would you make me the luckiest man in the world and take my hand in marriage?"
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