Mara Jay Hansen is roommates with one direction. She's an interior designer building her dream. After struggling with Harry constantly asking her to marry him she breaks and leaves. Harry is broken and so is Mara. Mara reconnects with her ex-fiancé...
I put in my hipster clothes. It's Coachella and we're going in disguises. Never would you ever see me wearing high waisted shorts like these.
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Steph walked in. "Woah!" Harry was putting a shirt on. "He's fine, what?" "Look good?" She asked referring to her outfit. "Gorgeous."
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"Niall if you have my damn dress shoes I'm going to murder you." Harry says. "Why do you need them?" I ask. "I don't need them and neither does he." He grabs them from Niall's hands. Next was a wig. I had a black shoulder length wig. I started to curl it. "What is that thing?!" Liam walked in the bathroom and gasped. "A wig." I giggled. "God damn I thought you packed a dog." "A dog?" "Nasty." He started to clue fake bar on to form a mustache. "Really?" I ask. "What?" "You pack armpit hair?" "Harry she's being mean!" He complained. "MJ." He warned. "He started it." I flipped the wig on. "We are going to make so many people's day." Louis says. "If they find out." I saw as I apply a thick coat of red lipstick. I pressed my lips together. "Hot damn." Harry says. I smile. "I'd hit that." He says. "Leave or shut your mouth." Zayn tells him.
Coachella was bomb. We walk in and music is blasting. I've never seen so many hipsters in my life. "Not gonna lie I want to jump on the stage right now." Liam says. The sun beat down on us. We practiced our American accents the night before. "What's up?" Louis tried. Steph just laughed. "What's awful!" "How y'all doing?" Niall asks. "This is LA not Texas!" I say. We gave up on the whole American part of the American accent and moved on with the day. Coachella was a new experience for the guys. They got to be on the other side of the stage for once and without the fans. We stood by the stage. "I can't see." I say. "Up." Harry insisted I jump on his back. And I did. We laughed and sang. The night was just starting but we quickly got tired. Zayn said he didn't want to eat truck food all day so we went to a little cafe and would return later.
Louis just paid for our meal. "thank you." We all said. "Welcome." I sipped my lemonade. My body leaning on Harry. "We need to decide when the last concert is." Zayn says. Fortunately for us, the cafe was empty. "Maybe when we get back." Harry says. "I love you guys but I'm ready to move out and start my own career." It felt good to hear him say he loves us. Even Steph for that matter. "We get it." Harry tapped a salt shaker to the beat of drag me down probably without even knowing it. So I began to hum it. He smiled. Everyone else was distracted. "Mara we have to throw a going away party." Steph says. "Yes!" "You don't need too." Zayn says. "Hey, I may have not gotten to know you very much but this is my gift to you." Steph didn't have a lot of money, Louis hadn't let her have his credit card just yet so that was really sweet. "I'll chip in." I say. "No, all me." "I insist!" "Mara don't." She told me. "Under one condition." "Yes..." "I have guest list." "That's not something I'm good at. Deal."
After eating dinner and walking around some shops it got dark quickly. I had a few incidents where my wig was coming off but we got that under control. Somehow we made it to the front of the stage and were clapping with our ears blown out by the intense music. The sky lit up with fireworks. The music going the ground and up your feet. Your heart beating to the beat of the music. Our hands clapped above our heads as we jumped. Then BOOM. The power went out. We had surged so much that everything died. The crowd was getting angry. "Harry do something." He gathered the guys. They ran in stage completely bypassing security. "What's up LA?!" Zayn yelled. There were whispers among the crowd. Steph and I held hands. We didn't want their cover to be blown but we wanted this to work. "Jerry, give me a beat." Harry told Niall. He beated a box. Harry grabbed an acoustic. All of them on cue started to sing. They sang you don't know you're beautiful. The crowd went along. Although there were no lights, or amplification. They made it work. They sang their hearts out. And most of all, with Zayn. "That's one direction!" A girl yelled. Our disguise was blown. "Thank you Los Angeles!" Louis yelled. Staph and I took off. My wig fell off as I ran. We caught us with the guys and just kept running. The adrenaline we had that night skyrocketed. I can still feel the beat of the rhythm.
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