Mara Jay Hansen is roommates with one direction. She's an interior designer building her dream. After struggling with Harry constantly asking her to marry him she breaks and leaves. Harry is broken and so is Mara. Mara reconnects with her ex-fiancé...
"Just...STOP!" I yelled at Harry at 4:37 am. I stopped packing my things to wipe my eyes. He reached for me but I pulled back. "Don't touch me!" "MJ!" He said calmly but his words were full of pressure. I put some clothes in. Pressing them into the bag wondering when I would be back. He reached again for my arm. He wanted something-something to hold onto. "Mar-" "No Harry! If you can't believe me when I say I didn't talk to those guys or just drop the god damn marriage...brawl! Then I don't want to be here and I damn well know I don't want to be with you!" The guys rushed in. Louis backed off Harry and Niall tried to comfort me. I cried on his shoulder not wanting to look at his hurt face. We were struggling as a couple. We were plummeting. Fast.
As I left the room I could see in when I looked back one last time not knowing when I would be back. He was hurt. Not enough harsh words or comebacks could mask the pain in his eyes. He didn't mean it. But I needed space.
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"What happened?!" Joice lets me in. The outside light blinding her. "I just left." I sobbed. "Mara." She begged me. All I could do that night was sob and listen to sad music. I avoid their music because I knew that if I hear as much as his voice I would break. Everywhere I looked I was reminded of the fact that I left. I was reminded that he's not in bed with me. He's not telling me he loves me and he's not pulling me closer. I am lifeless.
The birds chirped that morning. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. When I fell I thought I would be in Harry's arms but instead I knocked the wind out of Joice. "Ah!" She breathed. "Sorry." "Holy shit." She coughed. "Good morning to you too." "Sorry J." "It's ok." I patted her back. She caught her breath. "You ok?" She asked me. "I don't want to talk about it." When I got out of bed I stepped on someone. "Ow!" Cam laid on the floor with nothing but I a drool soaked pillow. "Sorry!" Then I realized it was her. "What are you doing here?" "My girl needed me." She pleaded. She got up to hug me. Joice joined in. "Thanks for being here." I say. "Of course." They say without skipping a beat. My phone went off multiple times. Our hug broke. Joice went in the kitchen and started tea while I checked my phone and cam peed with the door open. Cam was one of those people that just didn't give a fuck. I scrolled through my messages. 4 from Niall, 2 from Louis, 10 from Zayn, 3 from Liam, 12 from Gemma. I replied to Gemma first. Gemma: Mara what is going on? Gemma: I'm sorry it's late but Harry is in full melt down. Gemma: Mara what happened?! Gemma: he's not talking MARA! Gemma: what did you do? Or what did he do? Gemma: are you ok? Gemma: do you need me? Gemma: are you crying? Are you doing ok? Gemma: I'm sorry Mara, I'm so sorry. Gemma: we're gonna fix this Gemma: right? Gemma: Mara Jay please answer! Me: I need space I shut my phone off completely. All I wanted was my girls. Cam's phone vibrated on the table. "Hello?" "Mara! Is Cam ok? She left in the middle of the night? where are you?" It was her husband Holden. "Yeah she's fine. She came over to J's. We're having a girl moment...or day." She peeked her head out the door. "Who is it?" I put a finger up. "Who's hurt?" "Me." I said like I was surrendering. "I'm sorry. I hope you get better. I assume with Harry." "Yes." I looked down. "I'm really sorry Mara. Cam and I are here. As well as J and your family. Don't forget about us." "I won't. Thank you." "Tell Cam she can stay as long as she needs." "Thank you Holden." "Absolutely Mara." "I better go." "Alright. Tell Cam I love her." "Will do. Bye." "Bye." I put her phone down. I went to tell Cam Holden's message right when she was wiping. J walked in at the same time. "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the God damn door?!" She slams it and as if on cue Cam says, "No." Softly.
"I was stupid for letting you go! But I know you're still the one." Cam sang in the back seat. "Camryn Jennifer shut your fucking mouth!" Joice yells as she changes the radio station. "Girl you may have moved on but-" she sang in revenge before she caught herself. "FUCK ME! Mara I'm so sorry!" "It's ok." I curled up in his sweatshirt in the passenger seat. Joice have her looks. "I'm sorry." Cam cried. "Just stop talking about it." We arrived at a restaurant. "Why is there only parking in Texas!?" Cam wined. "We live in London, sweetie, know your geography." J says. I chuckled as I ran into someone. "Sorry." I say. I kept moving. "Mara? Mara Jay?" I turn to see who it was. It was a tall fair skinned man wearing a neatly pressed suit and a good band on his left ring finger that I quickly noticed. His shoes shined in the sunlight. I lifted my sunglasses up. I was too busy looking I forgot to speak. "Sean." He says. I immediately remembered. How could I have forgotten the man I lived wth since senior year and said yes to? My mouth stayed open and my eyes still red and puffy. I couldn't find the words to speak. It had been years since I have seen him. "Oh shit!" I hear cam and Joice says. "Sean please go." Cam says. "I'm talking to Mara." "Just go inside." I told them. They hesitated. "We'll be just over here." Joice motioned with her head. I nodded. Still looking at his shoes. "Been a while." I finally say. "Yeah." He put his free hand in his pocket. But held his coffee in his left hand. The gold band glistened. "Last time I saw you was at the alter." I say awkwardly. He makes a sizzling noise with his mouth and rubs the back of his hand. "About that-" I didn't mean to interrupt but I freaked out. "You're kinda the reason I can't marry." I realized that came out and tried to giggle it off. That didn't fly with Sean. "Oh my god! Really? Oh Mara." I didn't know how to respond. "Yeah." I gritted my teeth and bit my tongue to keep myself from talking. "Want to get coffee?" "I'm kinda out with.." I point to cam and j looking though the window. "Oh right. Maybe another time. I'll dig up your number." He started to walk away. "A date?" He asked. "I have to ask." That ring caught my attention again. "What?" "The ring?" "Just my grandfathers. Not married Mara. Plus you're with Harry." She smiled. "Yeah." I scrunched my face. The name Harry triggered my anxiety. "Yeah. A date." I said casually with tears running down my face. He walked back to comfort me. He hugged me and that's when cam and Joice ran over. "We got it from here!" They said. "I'll text." He said puzzled. "Ok!" I cried. The paparazzi caught up with us when my eyes were finally dry. "Mara who was that man hugging you?" No pictures." Cam tried to cover." I didn't have Harry to save me this time. I didn't have his arms around me. I was alone and vulnerable. "Mara! Mara!" They called. "They're everywhere!" I yelled.