Chapter 17 • Still The One

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  I laid on my back, Harry on his side. Our hands danced.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"Did you really think I could ever walk out on il amore mio?"
"Il Amore mio?"
"It's Italian." He lit up. He remembered when he said we would have our honeymoon in Italy.
"So is that a yes?"
"It's a step closer." I told him.
"We're going to Italy!"
"Not so fast! You need to have patience for me." He nodded. "That's how you get the girl." I winked.
"You did not just quote Taylor Swift Mara Jay!"
"We could hear you!" The boys yell. I giggled as I sat up with the covers to my chest.
"You have some kind of romantic breakfast or something for me?" he smirks.
"Stay right here." He runs out of the room and almost falls on a pair of his shoes.
"Oh goodness, Harry."

  He took forever so I decided to walk out to see what was going in. Steph and Louis sat at the dining room table. She had a notebook out and several business cards in front of her.
"Mara!" Harry yelled. Louis and Stephanie looked at me.
"You two had fun last night." She says.
"I think we need thicker walls." I say. 
"Little bit." Louis showed with his fingers. I say at the bar. Harry put two pancakes in my plate, scrambled eggs, a slice of the sausage and a piece of toast.
"Here you are il amore mio." Harry says.
"I can't eat all this."
"French?" Zayn says as he walks behind me and takes the toast.
"Italian." Harry corrects.
"Same thing." Zayn mumbled.
"Zayn!" I hugs him. "What are you doing here?"
"Electrical problems at the new flat." He says.
"Who's he rest of the house?"
"Really amazing. I have 2 roommates."
"I'm happy for you."
"Thanks Mara." He eats a piece.
"Really great, thanks man." Harry patted Harry's shoulder.

  "What are we thinking?" I sat next to Steph. Her own tapped against her notebook.
"That I wish this was a promise ring."
"Yes." She hid her face in her arm. I looked at the card that were laid in the table.
"Picking a wedding planner?"
"I know her, she worked at Area." I show her.
"She good?"
"She did Cam's wedding." I pulled up pictures on my phone.
"Oh that's cute." She says. She looks through. "Heads up, you start next week." She says. Referring to our almost synced periods.
"K, thanks." I yawn.
"I want her." She says.
"I can't believe you're doing this."
"Me either." She beamed.

  Walking around town with David and out cousin Clay was interesting. They got along so well but often time they just said stupid things and made fun of each other. Clay always defended me in any conversation. He was the brother I always wanted.
"Hey Mara can you not do that while PDA thing?" Harry was on the phone and don't answer. I looked at our hands linked together.
"Why?" Clay asked as he took David's hand.
"Can you not?" He pulled away.
"Are you ashamed of our love?" Clay choked on his words. I chuckled.
"Oh my god." David rubbed his temples.

I heated a pot of water on high heat for some pasta.
"Not for us." Harry turned the stove off.
"What? Why?" He held a pic-nic basket in his right hand.
"Where are the guys anyway?" He took my hand.
"Shoes." He pointed with the basket.
"Alright, alright!" I slipped on some TOMS.
"Vieni amore!" He opened the door.
"What?" I laugh.
"Come on my love." He whispered.
"Oh." We laugh out the door.

  He took me to a spot on the hill. I helped lay out the blanket on top of the grass

"Wow! Wine for dinner? You went all out!" I joked

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"Wow! Wine for dinner? You went all out!" I joked.
"Do you know why?" He pulled out subway sandwiches that made me laugh.
"It's been busy. Is there something I missed?" He poured some in my glass.
"Our anniversary!" He says. I cover my mouth.
"Oh my god it's Friday!"
"Mara Jay!"
"Harry I'm so sorry!"
"Aren't I the one who's supposed to forget."
"I'm sorry." I stroked his hair.
"It's ok." He pecked my lips with a gentle kiss. I wasn't fond of PDA especially since paparazzi was constantly crawling up his back. Not to mention fa girls give me headaches. But of course, I love them. The boys walked over in finely pressed suits while Steph took pictures.
"Are those your dress shoes?" I ask Harry. Niall looked behind him as if I was talking about someone else. Harry shook his head and drank the wine. I took a bite of my sandwich. I completely forgot about he guys for a second. They then began to sing softly. He kissed me again. His hands on my back and in my waist. My hands clasped around his neck. Lima cleared his throat rather loudly.
"Can I help you?" Harry asks.
"Oh nothing. It's just that I don't want to sit her singing for an hour watching you two clean each others teeth!" Steph, who was looking at photos with her back against a tree started to laugh.
"It's quite offensive Liam, I'll make sure to clean her tongue too."
"No you won't." I say.
"Turn." Harry twirled his finger in the air. The boys turned and started to softly sing again.
"Alright, how much are you paying them."
"I'm not paying them." He complained.
"50 pounds!" Niall says. "For this crap!"
"I'm starting to see who might be-POSSIBLY, being the future best man." I say. Steph coughs with laughter.
"Possibly?" Harry looks at me.
"We have a ways to go."
"Proceed!" Louis says.

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