Chapter 3 • The Banquet

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"I'm home." I call as I walk in the door from a trip to the hardware store. No one answered. I looked up and boxes flooded the living room. "Harry?" I slowly walked into our room. I letter load neatly folded on the bed with boxes everywhere. Harry came out of the bathroom and the guys came in.
"Start taking those down." Harry pointed to the boxes. Liam and Niall began moving them.
"What going on?" I ask.
"Zayn is moving, we're all moving." Louis said.
"What?" My arms dropped to the floor.
"And I think our relationship has run its course." I felt like my heart vanished. My face wrinkled up. Didn't he tell me I was incredible last night?
"Just read the letter." Harry says. I picked it off and fought tear. I read it to myself: we got you
I looked up at them. They were laughing. I started laughing.
"I'm sorry." Harry held me.
"You guys suck."
"And you-" Liam was about to say swallow.
"Do it." Harry says.
"No." He smirked.
"Come on I dare you."
"Don't encourage him."

  " get me some ugh water?" I ask.
"What's with the slurred speech?" Lean leaned on the counter.
"Just tired.....and dizzy." He ran around the table to get me.
"Easy." He held me upright. "Why don't we get you in bed." He helped me to my room.
"Will get me-"
"I'll get you some water." He propped some
Pillows up for my head and left the room. When he came back he had a couple water bottles in his arms. He dropped them on the floor.
"Sorry. So have you been slurring all morning?"
"Mm huh." I stretched.
"I'm gonna call Harry. You stay put." I opened a bottle and started to chug it. He came back in my room a few minutes later.
"Alright, he's on his way. He was at Gemma's. Did you know she has a banquet tonight?"
"Oh, yeah."
"And we are going?"
"Thanks for the heads up."

  So it turns out I got alcohol poisoning from the night before. We partied too hard.
"Got you some crisps." Zayn put a bag of crisps in my lap.
"Thank you."
"Welcome." He just got home from the grocery store. As he walked into the house he left the door open.
"What are you drawing?" He asked from inside.
"Can I see?"
"Yeah." He walked out and stood at it.

(Credit to the person who made this it's amazing

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(Credit to the person who made this it's amazing.)
"It's good." Zayn smiled.
"Are you serious? I don't know anyone other than you who you do that."

I stood in front of the mirror. I just put on my dress.
"Are you sure you feel up to it?" Harry asks as he puts a bow tie on.
"Yes, I feel much better." I moved my hair to one side. Harry walked over and zipped it up.
"Darling. Absolutely darling." He kissed me. I turn around to tie his bow.
"It's his way." He tried to take control.
"I know what I'm doing, Harry." He chuckled.
"Leaving in 10!" Zayn yelled.
"Better go, love." He held his hand out. I winked at him, smiled, and took it.

We walked in. I wasn't even sure what award she was receiving but it was clearly a big deal. It might have something to do with modeling but I can't be sure. The theme was black and gold and they showed that boldly.
"Harry! Mara!" We were flooded with a bear hug from Gemma. "So good to see you."
"Good to see you too."
"Can I please get your attention." A man in a black tux says at the mic. Gemma smiled big.
"Go get em." Harry kissed her cheek.
"Love you."
"Love you too." He said back. I always loved how devoted they are to each other.
"Psst!" I look up and see Niall behind the curtain of the stage. Harry didn't notice but my eyes got big. I waved my hand for him to come down but then Zayn popped his head out.
"Mate." Harry calls softly. He just saw them. We walk over.
"There's pizza back here!" Liam says. Louis already has a piece in his mouth.
"It's not our." But before I could finish that sentence Harry already had a slice. "You guys are children. You know that?" I pointed it all of them.
"Tell me something I don't know." Liam says. I sit in an oddly placed rocking chair. Harry motions for em to get up so I can sit on his lap. So I do. Then Louis sits on an arm. The banquet has started and we can see only Gemma on stage. She's about to receive her award. Then Zayn leaned on the other arm. The chair was full. Especially considering considering its for one person. That's when Liam unknowingly rested his arms on the back of the chair. There was a slight creak when he did. He leaned more and more and the creak got louder. Then BAM! The chair collapsed right before our eyes. We were laughing so hard we couldn't move. All of us piled on each other. Our belly hurt from laughter.
"What was that?" Gemma says.
"Shhh! Go!" Harry starts softly yelling. We ran for the door. The door shut and we ended up in the lobby were we continued to laugh.
"You fat hippo!" Louis told Liam.
"I am not!" He got defensive. But Louis couldn't talk back. The laughter overpowered out speech. I don't know what happened after we left but this was one banquet we weren't going to forget.

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