Chapter 34 • Don't Ruin This

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I just got out of the shower. I had a towel wrapped around me and a towel on my head. I caught myself looking at the ring. The world knew and that meant Sean knew. Harry had a phone to his ear and his back to me. I glanced at Max who was bouncing in the bathroom door way. Harry turned and looked at me with pain in his eyes. He wasn't holding his phone, he was holding mine.
"What?" His eye brows furrowed.
"Have you and Sean been talking?"
"No he's just been leaving me voice mails."
"Well he left a voice mail while you were in the shower."
"Oh I'm sorry Harry. He's got issues." He played he voice mail aloud.
"Mara, I just heard the news. I'm happy for you but I'm more worried about Harry. It's going be shit hitting the fan when you leave him at the alter. History repeats itself." Harry wasn't mad, he was disappointed and hurt.
"You left him."
"You lied to me? For 3 and a half years?"
"I was scared."
"We have a child."
"You have to understand my point of view."
"Just give me some space." He took Max and I watched with go outside and play with him.

   I sat in the couch and watched them.
"They playing?" Steph asked with Michael on her hip.
"What's wrong?"
"He's angry at me."
"Ugh oh. What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"That bad?" Harry walked to the door and I acted like I wasn't watching. He gave me Max and went into the bedroom, locking the door. Max started to cry.
"Shh.." I calmed him down.
"Well dang." Steph says.
"Yeah. We're gonna go out."
"Ok, have fun." She set Michael in a baby chair and turned on little Einsteins.

I went to David's. I really needed some support. When I knocked on the door I heard footsteps getting closer to the door and footsteps leading away.
"Who is it?" David asked.
"Max." I say.
"Max who?"
"It's Mara asshole." He opened the door just a bit for his head to poke out. I looked him up and down.
"Gemma is here."
"No." He shook his head.
"Hey Gemma!" I holler.
"Hi Mara!" She called back.
"Yes." David shook his head.
"You know how gross that is?"
"You're getting married in what? 2 months?"
"Two weeks!" Gemma yells.
"We have two weeks then we are seeing other people."
"Oh so this is a relationship not a FWB situation."
"Both?" He said uncertain.
"Well I want to talk about the wedding with you."
"Dressed?" David asked Gemma.
"Yup." He opened the door and let me in. I walked to his countertop.
"This stays between us?" Gemma asked.
"As long as the conversation I'm about to have with David says in this room."
"Of course." She turned on the tv and sat in front of it. David leaned on the counter.
"What's up?"
"So you know how Sean has been leaving me voice mails?"
"Well while I was in the shower this morning Harry heard one."
"Did you just say he's got issues?"
"That doesn't work when he says that he didn't leave me at be alter. I left him."
"On my god!" Gemma says. I turn to look at her. She just watching say yes to the dress. "That's ugly!" She curled up in the chair.
"She does that all the time." David says.
"So Harry is mad. He won't talk to me and he locked himself in the bedroom." He sighed.
"Give him time and talk to him tonight if that's ok with him. Whatever you do don't push him."
"But should I tell the boys and Steph?"
"That's up to you." Max started to cry.
"I better go."
"Bye Maxy!" Gemma said as she was walking over. I smiled.
"I love you buddy." David say. I got up to hug him.
"And I love you too."
"That doesn't come out of your mouth very often."
"Then let's add that to the list of things that don't leave this room."

When I got home all the boys were on the couch and acting happy. Harry rushed to me. He hugged me without squeezing Max.
"Where did you go?" He whispered.
"you're the one who locked himself in the bedroom."
"I missed you." He took Max, kissed me, then pulled away. I was so confused.
"You are having a girls night!" Niall points to me.
"What?" I ask.
"We're forcing you." Louis says.
"Steph's getting ready." Liam says.
"I called Cam and Joice and they're down. We've got the boys." Harry says.
"Ugh ok.."
"Perfect! Go get ready." Niall pushed me into my bedroom.

I had to feed Max before I left. When Cam and Joice arrived, that's when the party really started.
"Who's ready to party!?" Joice asks.
"Kids." Louis says as he puts one finger on his mouth.
"I totally forgot about that factor."
"Max!" Cam said as she walked my way.
"Well that's attractive, breastfeeding before going out to get drunk."
"It's attractive." Niall says. Harry slaps his chest.
"Yup, very." He says. Niall puts his hands over his mouth.
"Smokin'" Liam says.
"Come on man." Harry says to him. Now we're all laughing. I gave Harry Max.
"Be safe, I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed me before I left.
"I can't remember the last time I got a kiss goodbye." Joice says. Then Liam swoops her down and lays one on her.
"Be safe darling." He says. Joice laughs so hard making all of us laugh.

We were having so much fun messing with guys at the bar. I sat alone acting like bait. When a guy sat down I did everything to gross him out.
"Another...what are you drinking?" A man says to me and the bartender.
"Ice tea."
"Long Island ice tea."
"No just ice tea."
"Um ok, just ice tea." He smiles at me and I smile back.
"You pregnant or something." He jokes. I look him dead in the eye.
"Triplets." I can hear Cam and Joice dying.
"Have a nice night." He got up to walk away.
"You can have one." I telling him. He looks utterly crossed out and walks away. The girls walk over.
"That was awesome." Joice says.
"What was awesome is when you told that poor guy that you don't usually come to bars because you always shit your pants." I say to Cam. We laugh about that.
"I'm going to ask the boys for a baby update." He replies almost instantly making me think something is going on. It's a picture of Michael and Max with whiskey bottles smiling.
"They are never Babysitting again!" Steph says.
"I don't think it's called babysitting when their the dad." Cam says.
"Shut up." I text him back.
Me: that better not be what's going on.
"What idiots." Steph's says. I got another picture of Liam passed out on the couch with Max, who's also asleep and a video of Niall feeding Michael and falling asleep. "Awe. Giving the dads a break." Steph says.
"Now I want to go home." I say.
"No. Watch this." Cam says. She sits next to his guy. We can hear everything.
"How are you?"
"Good. How are you?"
"I'm great. What's your name?"
"Eric. Yours?"
"Ulga." I've never seen a man run that fast in my life.

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