Chapter 28 • Almost There

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  We're home! Finally home! My bed was amazing, just like the way I remember it. Well, it's been a week since we've been home but we got right back into the swing of things. Steph and I are ready to pop. It's almost time to bring in the diapers. If the baby doesn't come soon I'll be induced, which is completely normal for a first time pregnancy. When we went to the doctors, she said she still can't confirm its a boy or a girl because they like to cross their legs, either way I'm a happy momma.

  I sat on the couch with Steph.
"What are you craving?" She asks. I thought about it.
"A roast beef sandwich with salt and vinegar crisps stuffed inside it." She groans.
"I want a frozen waffle with jelly and pickles." Just then the door bell rang. I got out to answer it.
"Hello?" An average 30 year old man stood here. "Can I help you?"
"Oh yes, Lenny gave me the address."
"Lenny?" I said with a puzzled look on my face. "I'm sorry-"
"Here I am Lad!" Liam came to the door. "Don't worry about the ladies." He waves his hand.
"Oh!" The man says. I stood in confusion as Liam shut the door.
"Who was that?" Steph asks.
"Don't ask."

Zayn invited us over for lunch since we haven't seen him in a while. I miss him being around and always complimenting my work. He opened the door with a smile that lit up the room.
"Mates!" He beamed, hugging each of us individually.
"How are you?" I asked.
"How am I?! How are these fellas?" He asks referring to our bellies.
"Good." Steph and I say.
"I leave one second and I come back and you've already knocked them up." He joked with Louis and Harry.
"Hey I'm the run who makes midnight food runs." Niall's says.
"Mara is the one who requited me to design he baby room." Liam complained.
"Oh hush!" Louis told them. We chuckled as we entered the kitchen. It was slick and modern.
"I have the meal almost ready." He says.
"Since when do you cook?!" Liam bursts. Zayn laughs.
"How else am I gonna get the ladies." He shrugs. We talk for a bit about your and the babies.
"I like this playlist." Niall says about the songs that are playing."
"Yeah?" Zayn turns up the volume.
"Who's this artist?" Harry asks.
"Me." Liam just about did a spit take.
"This is you?" Liam asks.
"Wow, that's good."

By the end of lunch we had the lyrics to pillow talk memorized.
"What kind of birth are you guys doing?" Zayn randomly asks.
"Hospital." Steph answers for both of us.
"Would you mind if I came when they are born?"
"Of course." I say.
"We expect you to." Steph adds. He smiles.
"I miss you guys."
"We miss you."

When we got home Steph was showing signs of pre labor.
"She ok?" I ask Louis.
"She started contractions." She was leaning on him. After a contradiction passed her got up and slammed the door in my face.
"Well then."

  Harry helped me pack my hospital bag

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Harry helped me pack my hospital bag.
"I just can't believe it." He said as he put a pair of shoes in my bag.
"I think you're more excited than I am."
"I wouldn't doubt that." He pulled me in it a hug. His body wrapped around mine.
"Now go get me some chocolate milk." He laughed and kissed my forehead. He left the door and stood staring at my maturity shot.

We are almost there

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We are almost there

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