Mara Jay Hansen is roommates with one direction. She's an interior designer building her dream. After struggling with Harry constantly asking her to marry him she breaks and leaves. Harry is broken and so is Mara. Mara reconnects with her ex-fiancé...
I'm pretty sure I've written this chapter but I can't find it anywhere. If you do find it please let me know. Thanks!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
It's time for the VMA's. It's my first time away from Max and I'm really scared. He's going with dad. I know dad will take care of him but we had to introduce formula which he wasn't happy about. I just worry.
We got ready to leave. Suit cases at the door. I was filling up the snack bag. Harry flew Max in like he was an airplane. I laughed and took his from Harry's grasp. "How's my baby?" "Between you and me, he just took a massive shit." I looked at him. "Is that so?" I gave him a kiss. "I'm gonna miss you." Harry giggled and turned to the couch to buckle him in his car seat. Niall was holding Michael.
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"Best uncle." Steph says. "Hey." Harry wiped around to face her. "Don't lie."
Saying goodbye was hard. Harry gripped my inner thigh. "It's 3 days MJ, he'll be ok." "I know." I say as I wiped my eyes. He pulled me close and the car left.
We were laughing on the plane. Poker for a change was fun. I just won 15 pounds. Then a flight attendant made the announcement that we would be landing shortly. That's when my phone rang. "Hello?" It was an unknown number. "Mar." Only one person called me Mar. Sean. I immediately took the call away from everyone into he other end of the plane. "Sean why did you call me?" He sniffled. He must of been crying. "I miss you." "No, you don't." "MJ who is it?" Harry called. I put up one finger and turned my back. "You don't love him Mar, you love me." Sean said. "Stop calling me Mar. I'm not your mar." "Oh please-" "Who was it that told me I could do better when we got evicted? And who was it that helped us?" "Mara, you regret leaving the alter. Admit it." I gulped. I had been lying to Harry for 3 years. Sean didn't leave me at the alter. I left him. "I have a red carpet to walk down." I ended he call and sat back down. It took everything in me not to burst into tears. "Ok?" Steph asked. "Yup." Without making eye contact Harry took my hand and gripped it. I didn't know what he knew but that phone call will be the last thing he will ever know about.
I blamed the tears on Max but they were mostly about how awful I felt about lying to Harry. My phone chimed and I got a text from dad. Maxy misses you two!
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That picture melted my heart. I showed Harry. "Dad sent this." He beamed and look my phone to show everyone. "I love that boy." Steph says. "How's Michael doing at Margret's?" Her mum. "Really good." Louis says. He kissed Steph and she leaned unit his chest. I don't know why but I really missed one direction in this moment.
We arrived at Los Angeles late at night. The VMA's were tomorrow, then we roll out the morning after. It sucks that we missed the Grammy's because Steph was sick in the last trimester but I'm sure the VMA's will be awesome. We pulled out luggage from the baggage claim. Steph's wedding was in exactly 4 days and she couldn't be more stressed. I couldn't wait to see her walk down that aisle with her eyes on the one she loves. That's when she will know she's made it. "Who was on the phone?" Steph asked. "Not worth talking about." "You sure? You looked pretty shaken up. If anyone messes with my Mara they will get the fist. You hear me?" I awkwardly chuckled. "I'm fine. Thank you." "Don't lie to me Mara Jay." She whispered. "It was just Sean." "You're not having-" she whispered, affair. "No!" I violently whispered. The boys looked over. Then returned to their conversation. "Oh my gosh." She put a hand over her heart as if that was a weight of her shoulders. It's a good thing there's only two people in this world that I tell my problems to. My mom, and Max.
It was finally time for the VMA's. I'm super stoked but not so much for the paparazzi. I know Harry will always have my back though. Always has, always will. He zipped up my pink high waisted skirt which I wore with a champagne, spaghetti strap top. "Gorgeous." Was all he said with a kiss on the lips. "Thank you." I slipped on my stilettos. He chuckled to himself. "What?" I asked. "Can you imagine Max in a little suit walking down the red carpet?" I laughed with him. "At The Tomlinson wedding he will." I fixed his bow tie then he put his hand out. "Ready amore mio?" The thought of marriage flashes through my mind. It was riveting and scary all at the same time. Then the thought was over and I was back to real life as if it never even happened. "Yes." I quietly said as I took his hand.
We pulled up to venue. We had to wait til it was our turn to walk down the grand. I looked at my left hand. I know Harry caught me because his hand that laid on my waist got tighter. I'm not sure if he thought I was thinking about marriage or scared but he knew. Soon it was our turn. "Be brave." He said again just like he said besides our big Ellen premiere. The reporter announced us and that's when Harry stepped out. A gust of wind flew up and I got my Marlin Monroe moment. My dress flew in the air. Harry rushed to pulled it down, as did I. We laughed it off. "That is why we wear spanx." Harry joked. "Baby fat gone already?" A reported said to me. "I wouldn't necessarily say that. I'm too focused on our Sunshine." "Awe. What a sweet boy he his. Despite what the media says I think you and Harry don't need a ring to make it official. You love birds, have showed what true love is." I blushed at her compliment. "That is mighty kind of you. Thank you." Harry pulled me along. That's when I spot the nightmare dressed like a day dream. She glared at me. Her eyes looked me up and down then she slightly shook her head and looked away. I did then same when we regained eye contact. I couldn't hear it but I knew she had scoffed. Her red lips were no mask for the diva that laid inside. "There's Taylor. Let's be nice." Harry says to me. I smirked. "That ship already sailed."
In the middle of Beyoncé's performance I had to go to the bathroom. I left my seat I rushed in. I could hear it in the bathroom. She is truly a Queen that slays. I touched up my make up. Then the door open and the nightmare walked in. She didn't acknowledge my presence. She flung the door closed with the heel of her red bottoms. "Look honey, I came for the entertainment and trophy not to see the garbage Harry picked up off the street." "Excuse me?" I looked at her. She chuckled while applying lipstick over those chapped, crusty lips. "I've given Harry all that I can. What did you give him 'honey'? Regret and death wish." She turned to me. "All but marriage. And that song is about you." I don't know what happened. It just came out. "You will eat your words, Taylor. You will eat your words!"