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Kyler's Point Of View

Quietly, Stella is dabbing the wound on my lip. We're here in the room.  She volunteered to tend to the punch Alexander threw. I knew that punch was coming; I was prepared for it. I have no regrets about what I said. The party resumes its noise.

"Is it still stinging?" she asks. I shake my head. I glance at the band-aid on her forehead. "Ah, this one?" She touches it, "Because of my stupidity," she says, chuckling. This is the Stella I know. "I talked to Wesley earlier. He apologized to me."

"Are you forgiving us?" I ask before she nods slightly.

"I did. About what happened two years ago, it's not easy for me. It's hard, difficult, and painful. I'm so down, Kyler. That feeling of being alive but feeling dead. But when I talked to Wesley earlier and saw you guys, I missed the old times." She continues dabbing the blood on my lip, "I can't stand seeing you and Alexander like that again. I know Aesha is the reason for your fight, right?" I nod.

She removes her hand from my lip and sits on the floor. She bows her head while fiddling with what she's holding. "I want to tell you something, but I'm not ready to tell it." She sighs.

"What do you mean? So, are we right that Aesha and Alyosha are the same? How? What happened? Would you explain, Stella? I'm getting confused." Stella looks at me and smiles slightly. She stood up from where she was sitting.

"I told you I'm not ready to tell it, but once again, Alyosha and Aesha are both different people. That's the truth, Kyler. You can see it in your eyes. You know the birthmark of Alyosha, Only you and I knew it, you can check it yourself through Aesha. I'm going back to the party. Yesha is looking for me." Then she leaves.

I'm left puzzled by what she said. At first, she seemed to be cheering me up, and now—geez!  She's only making my thoughts more confusing. I stand up from where I was seated and straighten my suit before heading out.

I pause for a moment and see Noona heading towards the stage. "Hello. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Sorry about what happened a while ago. I hope you're enjoying the party," she says.

I walk towards them. Justine greets me, "Bro! What's the problem? What happened? That was sudden. are you mute from Alexander's punch or did you go deaf?" I laugh at his comment. 

"I'll tell you later." I chuckle. I reach where they are, standing near the round table.

"Why, Kuya Kyler? What happened?" Natasha asks while leaning her head on her brother's shoulder. If I were to have a sibling, I'd choose Natasha to be my sister. Aside from being kind and understanding, she's sweet.

"Oh, where's Aesha?" I ask, scanning the room.

"She's at the pool with Raufh," Wesley answers. I raise an eyebrow and smile. I'm not worried about Raufh getting close to Aesha because I know nothing will change between them. Even if Raufh tries to court her, I know nothing will change. I'm at ease because that's what I feel. May the best man win. 

"Is Aesha the reason?" they asked me. Then I look at Noona who's returned and  Wesley's, as well as Tasha and Justine.

"Yes," I answer concisely. They furrow their brows. I glance behind me; Stella is talking to Jr. They seem serious.

"I knew it!" Justine says.

"I was referring to what I said to him before," I replied, nonchalantly.

"That if he didn't take care of the one you'd love first and last, you'd take her back?" Natasha says. I just nod. 

"Hmm. So, that's your plan, Kyler? I thought you were just going to keep Aesha away from Alexander because you don't want history to repeat itself, but the truth is, you're the one going back to the past." Wesley says, annoyed. "I can't believe you, Kyler. You know what will happen to Alexander when he finds out," he adds.

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