Just Breathe

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You've been warned!

They'd got through the whole morning fine but Odell she was still letting the negative thoughts cloud her mind. Bailey couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of something happening to the baby or herself for that matter. It was a nerve racking situation to be in, Odell continued to comfort her as she laid on the cold examination seat while waiting for Dr.Sanders. Jarvis and Marley were sitting silently in a the corner of the room.

"Good morning everyone." Dr.Sanders said making then all speak.

"Hi Bailey , how are you feeling today, any better than yesterday?"  Dr. Sanders spoke entering the room.

"Hi, Dr. Sanders, the pain is still the same and my vision is clear, do yes I'm feeling little better." Bailey said exhaling.

Dr. Sanders called in a medical assistant to take samples of her blood and afterwards bring an the ultrasound machine.

"Ok, I just want to be on the safe side and check and see how the baby is doing, it's no need to be nervous." Dr.Sanders said rubbing her shoulder.

"Okay." Bailey held onto Odell's hand. She looked over at Marley who fought the tears in her eyes.

"Just Breathe, everything is fine." Marley thought.

"This is going to be cold." Bailey nodded.

"So, Bailey,  Odell tells me you've been working on a maternity line, is that true?" Dr. Sanders was always good at easing the nerves of her patients.

"Yes. I actually the grand opening is in a couple of days and I'm working on new designs for the online store." Bailey said looking over at the screen.

"Oh that's great. Marley how are you doing working in the emergency room now?" All eyes looked over at her briefly.

"It's- it's good and fast pace but I think I'll get the hang of it soon." Marley said clearing her throat.

Silence filled the room once again, clicking of the keyboard and beeping were heard as they all waited for the news.

"Hmm. This is interesting, odd but interesting." Dr.Sanders wore an expression less face.

"Whatever it is we can take it." Jarvis said tighten his hold on Marley.

"I'm sure you can, Bailey did you and Odell have sex after the insemination was done?" Bailey was unsure so she shook her head "no".

"It was before when Odell proposed, Dr. Sanders, what's going on?" Odell grew to nervous to speak.

"The baby is fine but you might want to take it easy being that their's two lives in here." Everyone sat in pure shock while closed her eyes and pinched herself repeatedly.

"Doc, you said she has two babies like, twins?" Odell questioned slightly confused about how the hell it happen.

"Yes. They aren't twins but they are in there, healthy and happy it seems like Baby Beckham was hiding behind Baby Landry. The way they were position gave you all those symptoms of loss of vision and abdominal pain. It's a very odd case but it's never before." She added turning the screen for them to see.

" She added turning the screen for them to see

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