Building The Bailey Brand

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A few weeks later

Bailey sat outside with Malcolm and Ms.Glynn while Odell took his much-needed nap with Titan. Training camp had started up again and that meant football season was quickly approaching. Bailey knew she had to get everything finalized for her clothing store and the online shop as well.

"The web designer and interior decorator are coming by tomorrow morning , so we can talk before we do a walk through of the store and website, I just can't believe it's really happening." She cheered.

"You know I can't wait to see it for myself, I've been telling everyone in the building about Mommy Curves, and even got the mail carrier to place them in all the mail boxes." Ms. Glynn said proudly as she sipped her wine cooler.

"Speaking of telling everyone, I got a little carried away with Facebook and Twitter, I posted an ad for your store and people have been blowing me up." Malcolm said showing his phone to both of the women.

"You two are a mess and I have a question for the both of you, seeing as though you two aren't together-" Bailey felt a hand on her mouth.

"Lil girl, who said we weren't together? We grown, we may have gotten into a fight but we are very much in love." Ms. Glynn said smiling.

"I know you thought that myself and Lianne were going out but that was only to talk with this crazy woman. I promise nothing went on between the both of us." Bailey nodded and leaned back into the seat.

"Have you spoken to Xavier?" Ms.Glynn said flatly.

"No. I didn't plan on it, doesn't he have another daughter to be worried about with well functioning kidneys?" Bailey asked smiling at her remark.

Titan started crying blared from the monitor he woke up from his afternoon nap.

"Let me go see what's going on with my little man." Ms.Glynn said shooting up from her seat.

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"ODELL!" Bailey had been calling him for the last 30 minutes but he kept falling asleep on her.

"I'm up behbey." Odell mumbled with his head in her lap.

"Dellie come on, they'll be here any minute you gotta get up." Bailey said while rubbing up and down the side of his face.

"Why didn't you tell them to Skype you or some shit?" Odell asked as he kissed her belly.

"That's not what I wanted to do now get up!" She pushed his head off of her lap and slightly waddled down the hall.

After bribing him with a sexual favors,
Odell had gotten himself together and joined Bailey downstairs with a grumpy Titan.

"Titan, Daddy feel ya' pain." Odell whispered kissing his head.

Bailey had been talking about the online store with her good friend Melissa from college. Her computer technology skills landed her a job with the apple corporation. So it was only right for Bailey to ask for the favor.

 So it was only right for Bailey to ask for the favor

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