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He laughs, the sound coming through the speakerphone to amplify the longing you feel to be near him again. He's been away - first filming and then on to the several month long promotional tour.

"Only you, darling, can manage to make a birthday cake last a month and change."

Without him around to polish it off in a matter of a week, you've been able to stretch the shelf life of the sweet treat by keeping it chilled. Never mind that he'd not actually gotten to try the thing. He'd been halfway around the globe at the time of the annual celebration. Video chats and ample descriptions didn't do the cake justice. You'll have to buy him another. And now, yes, the last of his birthday cake is finally gone... just like the man himself.

"Are you pouting, babe? Fuck, I hate that we can't video chat."

You grin at the empty kitchen, "If you hadn't dropped your mobile into a 'puddle'..." Baggy cargo pants, a wet environment, and an extremely excitable man do not make for a good outcome wherein water sensitive technology is concerned.

He hems, releasing a long frustrated groan. He'll get his replacement soon enough. Until then he has to make due with an older device that doesn't seem to enjoy complying with the newer features or apps.

"Anyway," he rumbles the word out slowly. "I knew I shouldn't have told you about that misadventure.... Go check the door."

"What? Why?"

"Because the one thing this bloody thing does well is notify me when packages arrive."

You shake your head, moving away from the kitchen counter that you'd been leaning against in order to head towards the door. Did you miss the arrival of a package? Did he send his new mobile here? You'll just have to ship it out to him... You open the door to find a large box sitting on the welcome mat.

"What the..." It's too big for the brand device that Tom favors - even manuals aside. Then you note the emblem on the side of the box. It's something from the bakery where you'd ordered his birthday cake.

"Don't just stand there agape. Take it inside. Open it up and tell me how it looks."

You snort out a short laugh, depositing your mobile atop the box before picking it up off the stoop and going back inside. "I can't believe you ordered another cake. I should just put it in the freezer to wait until you get home."

"Hmm. Great minds think alike."

You're about to start telling him off for sending you a cake but demanding that you don't eat it when you realize the oddity of what he'd said moments earlier. How had he known that you were standing there staring at the box on the front landing?

The sound of jingling keys mingles with his voice, the door swinging open to reveal his toothy grin as he greets you, "Honey, I'm home."

Half-measures aren't a thing Tom is familiar with, it seems. You'd known that about him from the start. Always one to devote every ounce of himself to the roles he takes on, and now, this relationship as well. Cake box still in hand, you start towards him, intent on a welcome-home greeting.

Tom slings his bag off his shoulder and deposits it on the floor just inside the door. "The things I do for pudding." You frown at him and he quickly alters his words, "The things I do for love. Wait, wait, no! Don't throw the cake!" 

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