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*from the world of YOJA (You've Only Just Arrived)*

He's taken your tablet hostage and is currently sitting hunched forward in his seat, giggling to himself. Sans tablet you've got to entertain yourself with the pamphlets in the back of the seat - or maybe one of the magazines kindly left by a previous traveler. It's a short flight to your final destination, but the family gathering awaiting the pair of you has you tense. Even the in flight liquor isn't putting a dent in the feeling.

Tom lets loose another chuckle and you release an exasperated huff. Whatever he's doing to entertain himself can certainly be shared. You twist in your seat to prod him in the side. "Alright. What. What are you doing?"

"Updating my CV." He grins as he turns the tablet in his lap to let you examine the screen of the device. "What do you think?"

You think that he should probably be supervised while editing his CV. And by someone who hasn't also had a drink or two. You scan the words quickly, hemming and humming at a tone slightly different than that of the engines keeping the huge tube of metal airborne. He's added in the various projects more recently undertaken, edited the wording here and there...

Then you spot it and, without meaning to fuel his antics, let out a laugh. "Oh. Tom. No." You quickly try to snag the tablet from him, fingers moving to highlight the text that you hope he has more sense than to add to his list of talents. "Gives good pillow? You'renot putting that in there."

You may be quick, but Tom is faster. Before you can delete the text he's reclaimed the tablet. "No? You're right, darling. Needs to be great pillow, doesn't it."

You will not tussle with your boyfriend in the first class cabin. You will not tussle with your boyfriend in the first class cabin. Laughing, you sit back in your seat again and loose a word that in previous months would have netted you a sour look from him. "Fine." You puff out a breath and shake your head, "Whatever. It's your CV, Hiddleston. You know what? While you're at it, add in: Great wall. Decent door. Piss poor window."

Tom grins at you, triumphant. "You know what, darling? I think I will."

Aaand now you're an accomplice. Spectacular. 

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