When everyone is looking other things notice you too.

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He's taunting me. He's taunting me, gloating, and I don't know how much longer I can stand it.

I stare at my reflection and he stares right back. He's me. But — not. There's something not quite right about him. I don't mean hair colour or... Look, now. It's more than changes recently undergone in the pursuit of a role. There's a lack of spark in his eyes - my eyes.

I know how it sounds.

There's – there's also the nanosecond delay with each inhalation of breath. I wonder each time if he's deciding to out himself, this not-me in the mirror.

He's toying with me. Seeing how long I'll keep playing along that nothing is different, that nothing's the matter.

How much longer before I lose my mind?

Have I already?

I'll sound mad trying to explain to anyone. I'm experiencing it and I don't even believe it while mentally going over the facts.

He'll be sure to be at his best when they examine the reflection. Of that much I have no doubt. Why he's watching so intently, what he's looking for, I don't know.

One way to know is to ask.

And know for certain that I'm coming unglued.

Right. I'll just turn my level gaze upon his and... It's no different than running lines and fine-tuning nuances of expressions. Nope, no different. Save for the fact that I expect an answer from this not-me, one not spoken from mine own lips.


"What do you want?" I've lost it. I know I have. I hardly noticed it at first, the additional attention, additional pair of eyes studying my every move. But then I came the moments of quiet and I could still feel the weight of someone watching. Someone. Is he a someone? Something, more like. A mirror creature.

He's always there. Always focused on me. Think about it. How many reflective surfaces do you pass on a daily basis? I've no moment where I'm truly alone. No longer Sir Lonesome A lot – if that moniker had ever held true.

He's silent still but something deep within me answer back as I sit and study the face of this Not-Me. It's the life on an actor, having an audience to play off. You pour yourself into the work and hope that people notice. Charming. Charismatic. Mysterious. I've been called many things and considered most compliments.

Chalk it up to the darkness I studied in prep for previous works, but somewhere within me I hear an answer. It's an answer that makes me sit a bit straighter in my chair, one that makes the room seem a degree or two colder than it had previous. When everyone is looking other things notice you too.

Question now is: How do I make this other thing leave me be?

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