February Flash Fic - Day 10 - whispers

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There they were again, the whispers setting him on edge

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There they were again, the whispers setting him on edge. Every time he turned there was only darkness, only empty air.

It could, he reasoned, just be the way the older structure settled coupled with his mind, playing tricks. The advertisement said it was a location full of history, documented as being one of the last original buildings in the area still standing. Why they hadn't yet gotten it listed in the historic registry he couldn't fathom. But still, it was what had driven him to rent the place for the duration of his stay. Full of history - and quite possibly full of ghosts... if one believed in that sort of thing.

Which he didn't.


"And what one doesn't believe in, can't hurt them."

Great. Now he's talking to himself, or maybe to the house and the noises from within its walls that are making him so jumpy.

It wasn't like the listing said: The place is haunted! Come get your thrills! Surely they aren't using this as a ploy to try to get people to talk about it on the web. Free advertising from the unwitting.

He frowns as he finishes drying the dishes used for his late meal, returning the towel to its place hanging from the edge of the sink. He most certainly didn't believe in ghosts, or spirits, malevolent or otherwise.

"So there." He concludes, done with his internal debate and finally satisfied with the state of the kitchen. Any further murmurings or whispers or creaks or groans from the aging structure would be chalked up to drafts through improperly sealed windows, or doors.

And the soft thump-bump of something landing on the floorboards above, when he's the only inhabitant of the house?

Tom blinks, lifting his eyes to fixate on the exposed rafters of the ceiling overhead as goosebumps prickle over his arms. It was just something he'd carelessly tossed onto the bed before coming down to fix dinner... that had finally tipped over the side and landed on the floor... without any outside help. Yay gravity?

He pulls out his phone, realizing it's a bit too late to try getting a hold of anyone. First thing tomorrow he'll see if there's anyone willing to come bunk for a few days at a time. There's more than enough space. Just having someone else around would do wonders.

And if not? Well, there are always places to stay with a little less history to them.

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