You knew damn well what you were doing....

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"Thomas William Hiddleston."

He hunches his shoulders at the greeting, considering briefly that maybe he should turnabout and head right back out the door. The tone of her delivery is hardly warm. He keeps his head bowed slightly, his shoulders pulled forward. "Hi, Mum."

For a moment he thinks perhaps he can puppy-dog-eye his way out of being berated yet again for all that has happened. He's heard it all from so many others already. Surely his mother will take it easy on him.

Diana shakes her head. "Don't you 'hi, Mum' me. You sit down in that chair," she pauses to point to one of the wooden chairs that is already pulled out from the kitchen table, "right there and explain yourself."

Tom sucks at his lower lip and obeys instructions. It's only once he settles into the chair that he releases a long exhale. "So you've heard, then."


One word answers. Oh she's definitely angry. "I..." He looks around the room at the cabinetry, out the window over the sink, basically anywhere but at his mother. He finally flicks his eyes to meet hers and starts, but nearly chokes on the words as they flow from his mouth. "Mum, I think I fucked up."

"You think." Diana's eyebrows arc up as she responds. "I raised you better than this, Thomas."

Already in his late 30s and she still knows exactly what tone to use to make him feel like a child caught doing something naughty. And boy did he do something naughty. At least she hadn't witnessed it. Just heard about it - though he'd like to know who told. He'd delayed telling her because he knew how badly he'd fucked up... and knew she would be - the dreaded word - disappointed with him. He's only ever tried to be the best man he could be, the man she believe him to be.

The cabinetry is endlessly fascinating. "I know."

"Oh, so you know, now."

"Yes ma'am."

Diana pops her palm on the counter-top to draw his focus, "Look at me, young man!"

It takes him a moment to pull his gaze around and when he does he notes how flushed her cheeks are. This is anger over his actions, over the fact that he waited days to reach out to her about it, over the embarrassment of finding out from someone else what he'd done.

He gets a flash, in that moment. Had she done it? Did she call his mother to let Diana know what her son had done? Hell hath no fury and all that...

As quickly as the thought occurred he banishes it. She'd never.

"I didn't..."

His mother interrupts him before he can continue on with the thought. "You knew damn well what you were doing. You knew damn well who you were breaking!"

She pauses. She means for him to answer.

Low, he replies. "Your heart."


Dejected, he mumbles. "Myself..."

"And?" She's losing her hold on her patience. She doesn't wait for an answer this time. "And all those invested in your happiness. Not to mention her heart."

"I know. I know." Restless and yearning to get up and pace, not that it would help in the least, he stirs in his chair, "Yelling at me doesn't make your point any better, you know."

"Don't sass your mother. And this isn't yelling." 

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