I fell in love because she made the world silent when it got too loud.

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*from the world of YOJA (You've Only Just Arrived)*

What do you do when you have a few too many voices in your head? Characters don't always play fair, choosing inopportune times to pipe up, to make themselves - and their opinions regarding any number of things - known. Add to that the chorus of shouts from paparazzi, and a fantastic, and fantastically vocal, fanbase... Sometimes [one's] world can get very loud.

It was one such moment when we met, officially. An awards show - erm - and those tend to be loud, at least while you're still on the carpet. I'd managed to seek out an old friend once indoors. Congratulate him on a successful run on the stage, catch up with - well you see sometimes events such as those are the only time to know for certain you're not interrupting. Great to network, as well, all part of the job... erm, but that wasn't exactly the question posed, was it?

So [Cumberbatch] and I were entertaining ourselves while waiting to be seated when it happened. He'd told a joke, perhaps? Or maybe it'd been spoken by someone else. I just remember getting a breather after laughing nearly to the point of tears and glancing over to find - oh don't worry she'll read me the riot act later for embarrassing her but it was quite a memorable moment. I happened to look to my right and, it was almost as if the crowd parted to allow this moment in time to happen.

Perfect timing. Perfect. Not one of those turn and lock eyes moments like in the stories, not at first. No. I caught her as - well - I've thanked my stylist and my tailor many times over. Catching her appraisal was almost as exhilarating as the blush that followed. Trying for what seemed like ages for introductions via mutual acquaintances and then suddenly no need. She's there.

Everything else stopped, for me. Just like the industry likes to present it: when one spots the other and the world falls away. Bustling with activity as the lobby to the auditorium was at the time, for that moment I didn't notice. I remember, or at least she and Ben assure me, I did pause to excuse myself from the conversation before making my way through the crowd.

Introductions, you see. Most important introduction of my life.

But back to where we started. Sorry, sorry. I always seem to be apologizing and taking up far too much time. Erm, so - yes. Might've just been excitement at first. I became increasingly sure of the feeling with every passing moment. I love her for many more reasons than one, but she's had this ability - from the very start, and nearly regardless of circumstance - to bring about a sense of calm within me. I say nearly for – well, we've no need to delve into that mess. That is in the past. She's my future. So I guess, sure. Part of the reason I fell in love [was] because she made the world silent when it got too loud.

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