Why did I risk my life, my livelihood, for a selfish brat like you

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Home has occupied his mind all day. Specifically the chance to stretch out on his sofa, have Kit curl up next to him and create a pocket of warmth at his side, and delve into his supplemental reading. A perfect plan for a perfect evening.

A perfect plan that comes to a screeching halt the moment he sets foot in the door. Yes, as usual, Kit is uncontrollably excited to see him — thankfully they've moved beyond 'welcome home' puddles.

"Hey buddy! Hi! I'm home! I'm –" Tom is halfway to kneeling down to intercept Kit and keep his precious pup from running out the door when something further down the entryway hall catches his eye.

Whatever it used to be, it certain isn't much of anything any longer.

He's not quite gotten the hang of this, juggling his time between work and being at home with his newfound pet. Newfound. They've had one another for going on a year now and yet sometimes he gets so caught up in the progress of the day that he forgets that he's got someone waiting on him.

Today had been a long day. There were small snags, glitches wherein he found himself at a loss for the proper action. Where was his brain? Why hadn't those details been logged and filed?

His evenings that used to be spent pouring over pages were now split between pages, and playtime. Kit was filled with boundless energy every night, despite the adventures had with the dog-walker. Then there's the reminder texts from said dog-walker, updates regarding new cohorts met at the dog park and the like.

More than once those updates nearly got him in trouble.

Tom shakes his head to rattle his thoughts loose. Kit is still jumping around, emitting little yips for attention, but Tom can't jar his eyes off their target. The grey mass marring his wooden floor.

One lone Aquatalia boot.

Or, what used to be an Aquatalia boot.

"Kit! Oh! No. Bad dog!" Tom half steps over, half pushes past the pup to get a better view of what has happened to his beloved shoes. The suede is all but destroyed. Little bits of the sole are scattered in the surrounding area. "What? I..."

Kit nudges into Tom's calf, still wiggling with delight over seeing his owner. But since Tom's attention is on the mostly eaten shoe, Kit seems to think his attention should be there too. Almost proudly - too proudly - he pounces on the remains and bites down on the already pock-marked sole in a quick succession of nips.

Tom lurches into motion, ducking to try to pry the shoe from Kit's possession. "No! No! Bad! Dog!" It's no use. Kit now thinks they're in a game of tug-o-war. "Augh! Why did I risk my life, my livelihood, for a selfish brat like you?!" 

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