February Flash Fic - Day 4 - night

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It was yet another fourteen hour day at work, but you're home now so everything is fine

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It was yet another fourteen hour day at work, but you're home now so everything is fine. You're exhausted, but finally in something more comfortable and not wanting to move the dozen or more paces to get something more to eat, and hydrate - or get another something stronger - but you're home and that's what matters.

Then comes the knock at your door. Three quick raps that spoil your plans to be a lump on the couch for the next twenty-some-odd hours. Muttering darkly under your breath you heave yourself up, just making it to the door as another sharp set of knocks assure you that you haven't moved in vain. Someone, whomever it is, is still out there - still waiting for you to answer.

Mood clearly written on your face you jerk the door open, with the intention of letting this late night caller have it, only to find a familiar face on your doorstep. It's one of your neighbors, looking a little mussed, and dressed in lounge wear not dissimilar to yours. "Wha-" the bite of your first word gets softened from your confusion - and curiosity. "Hi. Can I help you?"


He looks just as uncomfortable with the situation as you feel. Dark t-shirt, plaid pajama pants... and no shoes. Not visibly injured, so far as you can tell. But he's here, on your doorstep. Late. What gives?

"So," he clears his throat, " I might have locked myself out. I was, well, can I use your phone? Mine's... inside." He splays out his empty hands, and your eyes drop from there down to settle just below his hips. Ah - pajama pants. No pockets. 

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