The moment I set my foot in that room there was no coming back.

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  *altered for phrasing - linked to the world of TJOURN (The Journalist)*  

You share a long look and for a moment nothing else exists. There aren't people milling about, the handful of staff from the magazine and the entourage that accompanied the pair of you. Tom takes your full focus, swallowing it in that way of his that at times can be so thoroughly irritating.

It was a carefully crafted question. For a moment you thought he was going to stand up and walk out. He's not done that yet. The last time that had happened, or rather the only time he'd ever come close, was at the press conference right after The Event.

Thinking about it still makes you a bit ill, enough to force you to break eye contact and shudder in your seat. Tom blinks in response, furrowing his eyebrows together in silent question: Are you ok?

You wave him off. He doesn't remove his focus from you until you incline your head the second time, a motion to try to get him to turn back to the man that had posed the question.

Does he need it repeated?

No, dear Monsieur Hiddleston always has had an excellent memory. Sidestepping the minefield of hacked phones, leaked photos, and everything that had happened afterwards, Tom fixes a gentle smile upon the interviewer. "Meeting her was unexpected. Proves what I've always felt. That you never know what is waiting for you around the corner."

Love at first sight?

You fiddle with the ring on your finger. You remember the hesitation - the wall that had existed between the pair of you from the start. Sure, your actor armor had played a part, but Tom had his own barriers in place before walking into the restaurant that day.

You watch him formulate his answer. He fidgets, gripping the chair to re-situate his long limbs as he weighs his words. It wasn't quite love at first sight. No. Tom lifts his hand to rub a knuckle along the underside of his jaw. It had been a slow burn, starting the moment you'd thrown in a quip just after greeting him.

He licks his lips, flicking his eyes in your direction for a brief moment. "Hesitance, from both of us, you understand. But I think we recognized something within each other. I thought about it afterwards. I've thought about it many times. I knew within, maybe, ten minutes of meeting her. Of sitting there and... The moment I set foot into that room there was no turning back. She was it. Is it."

The glance aside this time finds you smiling. Die hard romantic, your Tom, and never afraid to shout it from the rooftops.

And speaking of rooftops, Tom - the interview is far from over and now the journalist is able to pick up the thread again - rumor has it that is where you proposed?

Tom grins and lets out a low chuckle, "Well, you can't believe everything you read. No. No. Not a rooftop. Good plan, though. Darling, care to try again?"

No need. You'd already said yes. Besides, you're not the one being interviewed. Time on task, Hiddleston. Time on task. 

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