17: Lost Hope
I stared as Chat Blanc had an inner struggle. I smiled.
Adrian was fighting.
Blanc seemed to gain control and he charged for me and I tried to dodge but he grabbed my throat and threw me against one of the walls. I coughed and coughed. Blood splattered the floor and I stared.
I stood up, leaning against the wall heavily. I coughed again.
"Look what you made me do." Blanc scorned at Noir.
Green eyes.
Blanc punched me in my stomach and I fell down.
I need to see those green eyes once just once before I go...
"Mari...I'm so sorry," He said, voice quavering in fear.
I stood up again. "Go on hit me again," I leaned on the wall.
"If you insist, M'lady," He grinned and threw his fist at me and stopped midway.
"No..." His eyes were green. I smiled.
"Yes," The yellow eyes seemed to glow in the dark of the catacombs. He pulled back his arm and punched my in the stomach again. I fell to the ground with a thud, my forehead stung and I lifted my hand up weakly and touched it.
"Look at how pathetic she truly is," He snarled and kicked me in the ribs. I curled up to protect myself. He kicked again. I curled up tighter.
"I'm growing tired of this," He pulled back his foot again and kicked me in the ribs again and broke bone.
I screamed in pain.
Then he kicked again.
Black like night.
[Chat Noir]
Marinette's scream brought tears to my eyes. She went limp on the ground.
Did the akuma do it? Did he actually kill her?
I let this happen. Plagg I'm so sorry if I hurt you by breaking the cat miraculous but I have no choice.
I pushed to gain control of my body and when I finally did I took off my ring.
"So sorry Plagg," A tear slid down my cheek. I dropped the ring. The sound echoed off the walls and stamped on it, the akuma flew out of it but nothing else happened. I dropped down to Marinette's limp body and held it close.
Fanfiction'Chat lifted my head up with two fingers and brought his lips down to mine. Chat kissed me, and I kissed back. He pulled away. "I'm sorry, I just-mph," He was cut off by me kissing him. I pulled back just so I could whisper. "Kitty, don't be,"' NOT...