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After dinner with Sheila, which was kind of awkward with all her not so secret hints about witchcraft, I drove up to the grill. It was a bit early but I didn't want to miss the awkward first meeting between Mattie and Stefan. Seriously I needed some entertainment, and well I was living on a tv show I had to make the most of it. 

Mattie saw me and walked up to greet me. "Hey Bon." He said, giving me a quick hug which I returned. 

"Yo Mattie. What's up?" I replied, grinning at him while I took a seat on a nearby table.

"Well... you know, Elena..." He awkwardly replied, and I forced myself not to roll my eyes. Matt was a good guy, the only guy to remain human. Hell, I'm pretty sure that he'll eventually become the only human in this freakish town. He just had really bad taste in girlfriends. 

Well, he did date Caroline but he dumped because of her vampire status. And he kind of dated Rebekah, but again didn't want something serious with a vampire. Basically, he was the traditional human that even though he accepted the supernatural he couldn't seriously deal with it. 

"Seriously, you need to get laid or something. Feeling miserable about your ex isn't going to work forever you know." I replied, looking at his blue eyes. 

"How is she doing?" He inquired, ignoring my advice and I let out a sigh.

"Her parents died, she's having a blast." I sarcastically replied, before quickly making a sign to Vicky that I wanted my usual, a hot chocolate with some marshmallows. 

"Has she said anything about me?" He pleaded, giving me the damn puppy eyes. 

"How the hell should I know? We've never been that close Mattie, you should ask Care I'm sure she wouldn't mind the gossip." I replied, because it was the truth. Maybe cannon Bonnie knew but I sure as hell didn't. 

"Should I call her? Or text her or something?" He inquired once more, and I decided that I should start working as a psychiatrist on my free time. 

"It might be weird to call her, maybe text her. She probably needs more time." I honestly replied, because calling your ex would be kind of weird.

"More time uh?" He asked, as he stared towards the front door. I turned around and saw Stelena exchanging cute little smiles. Damn woman you work fast, then again Elena is related to Katherine. 

Mattie walked towards them and I watch from my seat, I'm still waiting for my hot chocolate. I still wanted to spy on them so I quickly murmured a hearing enhancing spell. It's good to be a witch. 

"Hi, I'm Matt nice to meet you." I heard Mattie greet.

"Hi." Stefan replied, feeling the tension in the air. "Stefan."

"Hey." Elena greeted, giving her ex an awkward smile. I had to control myself from snorting. 

 "Hey."Mattie greeted back, before turning around and walking towards Tyler who's playing snooker. 

"You look amused." Caroline said, taking a seat next to me as I cancelled the spell.

"Just watching Elena's ex and future boy toy meet for the first time." I replied, smirking. "It was like a freaking train wreck."

"Mean." She said, as Vicky finally arrived with my hot chocolate but I could see the amusement on her eyes. 

"What's up with Elena and the new hot guy?" Vicky inquired, as she set my cup on the table.

"Don't know, don't care." I replied taking a sip from my drink, while Caroline rolled her eyes and said. "She already has her claws in."

"Damn." Vicky replied, glaring at the doppelganger, before leaving to serve another table. "She's already into the new guy in town, poor Mattie."

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