Beginning of the End

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You know those times where you just want to dig a hole in the ground and hide from the world? Yeah, that's me right now

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You know those times where you just want to dig a hole in the ground and hide from the world? Yeah, that's me right now. Caroline was looking at me demanding an explanation, and I wasn't sure what I was going to reply. 

Should I go with the 'I was reborn into this universe, and seeing this universe was a teen drama show I used to watch I know the future and some things can't be changed because- butterfly effect and all my knowledge would be useless' , the 'Elena's dad was torturing vamps, so Karma's a bitch' or just the 'butterfly effect- saving someone meant to die might result in other people's death'?

"Look Caroline..." I started softly. "I know only one timeline, this timeline was the one chosen by god or the fates or whatever." or the writers, I silently added in my head. "I can change small things, and even those might have a larger impact in the future but death, especially deaths caused by an accident ... I can't mess with that."

"Why not?" The blonde inquired, still not understanding my point fully.

"Nature must be balanced, and death is a part of nature." I stated, witch mode on. "To change a course of nature a price must be paid, a price of equal value. If I save a life I must give a life, and It will most likely not be chosen by me. It could be you, or you mom, or my grams..." 

It really was a concern I had, even when I planned on saving Alaric and Kol, and maybe Fin. But their deaths were caused not by nature, but by people. Maybe I could change it, or maybe not. I still had a lot of research to do. 

"I get it." Caroline said with a sigh. "I'm sorry I questioned your motives. I knew you wouldn't let them die for no reason, and I'm sorry I didn't trust you. You trusted me with you most precious secret, something you haven't even talked with your grams about it... I won't doubt you ever again, I swear it, and If I sound like I'm distrusting you, remind me of this conversation."  

"Don't worry I will, and I understand with you acted like that..." I replied, giving her a quick hug. Of course I understood her, I was pragmatic to a fault. It was something that had come from my past life with me. If I had to let the Gilbert's die so that the timeline wouldn't change dramatically then I would and that's that. 

You can call me cold blooded all you want, but the truth is they're better off dead- better dead in a car accident than in this town in a few years when Silas could be running around like he owns the town. Although the Gilbert's probably wouldn't have lasted that long. 

Caroline returned the hug, before stating. "Let's go see Elena at the hospital."


The Summer of 2009 went by quickly. Caroline was mostly with Elena and Jeremy, who were staying at her house while Jenna prepared herself to be their guardian. Meanwhile I spent my summer in my garden growing my precious vervain, or practicing my spells and potions. 

My elemental control had improved a lot in two years, I now had perfect control over fire and air and I had almost mastered earth and water as well. When my elemental training was complete, in a year or so, I was planning on finally starting on experimenting on the ideas I had taken from anime, books and movies.

 I had finally discovered the house were the spirits of the dead witches stayed, because having the power of a hundred dead witches sounded kind of cool. I hadn't contacted them yet, but I was planing on it. 

Sheila had finally started mentioning my magic, and the fact that we we're witches. Although mostly she did it while either drunk or by using weird ass phrases like 'you have power inside you child', ' you're far stronger than you believe' or ' you're are especial Bonnie, soon you will understand'. 

Seriously? Wouldn't it have been better to just say 'Hey kid, you're a witch! I totally bound your powers when you were a brat but they're going to come back soon so get ready Sabrina!' ? Yeah, no wonder cannon Bonnie thought her grams was a drunk nut job. 

So yeah, I mostly ignored her and told her to stop drinking on her free time. 

I had also sensed a vampire watching me, no us, when I was at the grill with Caroline and Elena. I assumed it was Stefan, since I'm pretty sure he thinks Elena is actually Katherine pretending to be human at this point in time. I'm not sure If Damon's around yet, but either way I'm armed with vervain to the teeth, so no worries. 

Bring it on vamps. 


September 7, 2009

This is it, the moment I had been dreading since the moment I heard that my name was Bonnie Bennett- the pilot. The first episode of the first season of the vampire diaries was finally here. Although now you could call it the Beginning of the End of the Life of Bonnie Bennett 2.0. 

"Bonnie did you have your coffee this morning?" Caroline inquired from the passenger's seat, as she took a glance at me. "You look sleepy."

"I'm good Care." I replied, pretty much lying through my teeth. Good would not be defining me for a while. 

"Tell Mama Care all your problems. " The blonde demanded, pretty much ignoring my earlier reply.

"Today is the day that this town becomes the hellmouth, you can be the perky blonde vampire slayer and I'll be your friendly town witch." I sarcastically replied, although this reply was full of truths. 

"So vampires now?" Caroline seriously inquired, looking at me. I suppose giving her my grimoires for her to read when she was bored might not have been the best idea. Then again now she knows what bumps in the night. 

"Yes, you'll meet your first vampire in history class." I responded.

"Vampire in history class, isn't that like cheating?" The blonde grumbled, then again our douche of an history teacher had a thing against Caroline. I'm pretty sure It was because he had a crush on Sheriff Forbes but she totally ignored him when they were teens. 

"Totally." I replied, grinning at her annoyed face before parking the car in front of Elena's house. "Why does Elena even need a ride, she already as her license."

"Maybe because her parent recently passed in a car accident Bonnie, and she's not comfortable driving." Caroline sarcastically replied as she texted the doppelganger to come out of the house. 

"Yeah whatever." I grumbled, rolling my eyes. Sorry, not sorry. I just couldn't force myself to be sympathetic towards Elena. It just didn't happen.

I back door finally opened and Elena took a seat in the back. 

"Good morning." Elena greeted, although I could sense her small smile was somewhat forced. "Ready for our first day?" 

"Yes." I replied dryly. "Let's just get this over with."

"Ignore her Lena." Caroline said, giving a wink at the doppelganger. "Bon Bon is on a bad mood today."

I loudly snorted, before rolling my eyes. 

Bad mood didn't even cover it.

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