Santa Klaus is coming to town

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2 of April 2010

I'm normally not one for tea parties, nevermind Historic Societies but nonetheless here I am at the Lockwood Mansion sipping on a, unfortunately, non-alcoholic drink. Apparently Carol made sure nobody would serve me alcohol because she knew I had a habit of leaving her parties with a few bottles in my bag.

John bloody Gilbert was here too and had made sure to sent a few glares my way. I guess almost killing him left a bad impression.

I mingled for a while until I saw Elijah leaving one of the side rooms and joining the party. My best bet was that Damon was taking a time out after annoying said Original. I grabbed a random glass of champagne and silently took a step next to him.

"Drink?" I inquired, tilting the glass in his direction.

"Much appreciated." Elijah replied, taking the glass before fully turning to my direction. "I don't believe we've been introduced. Elijah Smith and you are?"

"Bonnie Bennett." I replied with shrug. I really wanted to mess with him by calling him out on his fake last name, but still, I'm not that suicidal.

"I've heard much about you Miss Bennett." Elijah replied, not sounding at all surprised by who I was.

"I bet. After all, you sent that baby warlock to spy on me." I casually replied. "You know if you wanted to know where the witch burial ground is you could have just asked."

Elijah narrowed his eyes at me as if trying to figure me out. After a whole minute, he nodded his head. "From what information I've gathered you're prone to make deals, isn't it so?"

"Indeed." I responded with a very Rumpelstilksin grin, wondering what the vampire wanted to offer.

"I've promised Elena I would keep her friends and family safe, you're part of that deal." Elijah informed, and I nodded along.

"I'm aware, however, that deal doesn't have anything to do with me." I replied with a lazy smile. I knew Elena was going to break that deal soon rather than later, I really didn't want to be collateral.

"What do you propose then miss Bennett?" The Original vampire inquired, arching his brow at me.

"Well, you need the magic that my ancestors left behind after their god-awful deaths but I don't plan on giving it to some random warlocks of yours." I replied. "However, if you're interested I can obtain said power and help you in your endeavor for a price."

Elijah nodded as if he was already expecting what I said. "And the price would be?"

"In the future, you will owe me one." I informed, with a grin. He might just regret that later, but I wasn't going to tell him that. He was a big bad Original, he would underestimate me thinking I was just a teenage witch and not much of a threat to him- I definitely wasn't going to change his mind.

"Just that?" He inquired, obviously amused at me. As if whatever I could possibly demand would be nothing to him.

"Yes, and whatever I wish you will have to accomplish. There will be no maybes." I informed.

"I believe we have a deal Miss Bennett." Elijah replied, holding his hand up to shake mine.

I put my hand up to met his and gave him a strong shake, while grinning like a shark smelling blood. My plans were looking up, Elijah was just step one.

Too bad the guy was going to get stabbed in the heart the next day.


10 of April, 2010

So Elijah got stabbed, the Martin's got killed and I got juiced up with the power of an undread dead witches. My darling ancestors were kind of happy that I let them play around in my new house, lending me their power was just the rent. But having so much power was kind of idiotic, it took its toll on the body, but surprisingly I didn't feel the drag down. Maybe it had to do with the power I got from the ritual, but I felt great.

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