Back to School

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We walked into school and Caroline soon left us, she had some cheerleading captain things to do. I was left with Elena and I mentally let out a sigh. I needed to, at the very least, get along with her. Her life would be the beacon that brought every major supernatural character into town. 

But I suppose that the fact that we weren't exactly besties could be good as well. Since I wasn't that close to her nobody would find it weird if I didn't put my life on the line to save hers. 

I walked with her towards her locker and attempted to make some easy conversation. 

"Mattie's looking at you." I informed her, as I noticed the blood jock looking at Elena with sad puppy eyes. 

The doppelganger turned around and waved at her ex-boyfriend, only to be ignored. Seriously, Damon had my thanks for compelling Elena out of that relationship. Now I didn't have to roll my eyes every time someone mentioned how good they looked together. 

"He hates me." She states.

"That's not hate." I replied, snorting. "That's the stare that puppies do when their owners abandon them at the dog kennel." 

I saw Elena giving me a hard stare but ignored her, because even if she didn't like what I said she knew I was damn right. 

We continue to walk through the corridors until we passed by the school office. I noticed that a certain Salvatore was inside and decided to take a line out of cannon Bonnie's book.

"Hold up." I told Elena. "Who's this?"

"All I see is back." Elena replied, and I had a major déjà vu. Up until this point we never had the same conversations as in the pilot episode, I mean, even on the ride here. Well, mostly because I used my magic to kill the crow before it hit my car and because I didn't mention grams crazy talks. But still. 

"It's a hot back." I replied, remembering Bonnie line. Although I did check Stefan's ass. He wasn't exactly my type but he still was good on the eyes.

"He's got the Angel vibe going out for him." I stated, because he really did. Never mind the fact that he was a broody vegetarian vampire. 

"Angel?" Elena inquired, not understanding the reference. 

"He's a broody vampire with a soul from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you should check it out it's a cool show." I informed, and from the corner of my eye I could see Stefan tense and the V word.

"I might." Elena replied, before looking at the end of the hall towards her brother. "I'll be right back." She said, before quickly leaving. 

I continued on the same spot, I wanted to have a view at the official Stelena first meeting. I just waited a few minutes before Elena got out of the boy's bathroom and went against Stefan. It was all very cliché but overall, it was entertaining enough. 

I walked towards History class, and found Caroline on my way there. It was another difference from cannon. During the pilot I'm pretty sure Caroline didn't have history at the same time as Elena and I. But I had convinced her that annoying Tanner together would be fun, so in the end she choose it. 

Barely one minute inside the classroom and Tanner was already droning about the civil war. Caroline and I noticed Stelena exchanging looks and rolled our eyes together. Caroline because she was annoyed that Elena had a vampire hottie staring at her. Me because they had barely met and we're already trading true love stares from across the room. I pretty sure I threw a little bit in my mouth from the love fest. 


The rest of the school day went by pretty quickly. I ended up having lunch at the grill with Caroline, Elena told us she had something she wanted to do. I knew she was going to visit her parents graves, while being stalked by another one of Damon's crows. I wondered how that worked actually. In the books Damon could turn himself into a crow, but it never was explained in the show. Plus he only used his crows for the first episodes in season one.

I grabbed my greasy burger and took a large bite, as Caroline twirled a curly fry in her right hand. The Grill, as always, was packed during lunch time. Seriously, someone should open other good restaurants in this town. 

"His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore Boarding House. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot. He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue." Caroline said, before stuffing the fry in her mouth. 

"His name is right." I confirmed. "And he does live with Zach Salvatore, but Zach isn't really is uncle."

"Really?" Caroline inquired, mystified. Seriously, you shouldn't put Caroline and Gossip on the same phrase ever. It only resulting in trouble.

"It's the other way around, don't forget the dude's a vampire." I informed. "He wasn't been here in a few years, but even then he was already a vamp not a kid. Military my ass. And I'm pretty sure is birthday is on November, so I don't think he's a Gemini." Although Gemini would suit him, Stefanlus  the evil twin [1] was a pretty mean ripper, I mentally added. 

"Am I gonna get lucky with this guy or as Elena already sunk her claws into him?" Caroline asked, almost sighing. She still felt inferior to Elena, I didn't see it, but Caroline did. No matter how many time I told her she was awesome, she still felt insecure. This was why I still wanted her to be turned, she deserved better than to always feel like second best. As a vampire she got the confidence I always knew she had in her. 

Now, about Stereoline. I knew they would be great friends, and that he would help her with the vampire business. But other than that... I just couldn't imagine it. Maybe because I was byass towards Klaroline. 

"Stelena is happening, whether we like it or not." I informed, groaning a little. 

"Ugh, how come there's no vamp hotties for me then?" Caroline huffed, before eating another fry.

"Well..." I started but I wasn't sure if I should tell her. Damon and Caroline had a dark beginning after all and I didn't want her to be used as a blood bag against her will. But I also knew that the moment she saw Damon she would want to jump him. I decided to go along with the flow. "Stefan as a brother. A tall, dark, and danger kind of brother. Who's very hot by the way but-"

"Yaaas." She happily cheered, I guess she was on a dry spell and really needed to get it on. 

"His name is Damon, he's a vampire too but he's much more dangerous than Stefan." I continue, ignoring her happy claps. "If you want to get it on, drink at least two vervain teas everyday, and you might as well mention that you know what he is." 

"If he's so dangerous won't he be pissed that I know his secret?" The blonde inquired, and I nodded at her smart question.

"Yes, that's why you're going to drop the Bennett-witch-is-my-friend bomb the moment you meet him." I declared giving her a strong look. I had no issue with her getting it on with a vamp, as long as she knew what she was doing. The Damon at the moment wasn't very stable, mostly because of Katherine. But he also needed a Bennett witch on his side to open the tomb, and killing my friend would piss me off. So if Caroline wanted to jump his bones she had to tell him I would fry his brains if he hurt my best friend.

"Humm..." Caroline hummed. "While he sounds hot, I don't know If I want to get in bed with a blood sucker. I'm not that kinky."

"Do what you want to do, but be safe." I told her. I wasn't her mother, I was her friend. I couldn't force her decisions, especially because in cannon she did sleep with Damon. 

"Always." She replied, giving me a smile. "I'm going home for now. Don't forget we're meeting up tonight here after dinner."

"See you tonight." I said, waving her goodbye. 

After being left alone, I let out a sigh. Living in Mystic Falls really was like living at the Hellmouth.


1- I named Ripper Stefan Stefanlus, because Evil Angel is called Angelus ... I thought It funny ahaha

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