Through the years: Hello Magic

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2004, Mystic Falls

Five years had passed since I had seen my teacher Gloria, and my magic had yet to appear. This didn't mean I had stopped learning, not really. I was a learner at heart, If I had been reborn into the Harry Potter world I would have been a Ravenclaw for sure, or a Slytherin.

Learning had been such a present thing in my past life that I had even gotten into it professionally, as I had been a college teacher. Well, an Occult Studies teacher but still a teacher none the less. 

So even If I didn't have grimoaires to read, new spells to learn and magic to practice that didn't mean I didn't do anything else. So while my free time did include sleepovers with Caroline and Elena, as they were a package deal, I spent my free time learning new things.

The first I did was recreate my fantasy library. I had already bought the first five Harry Potter books, and was excitedly awaiting the next one and the first movie. The first three books of the Secret Circle were also in there. I also had Wicked, the one by Maguire. And lastly, the complete collection of The Chronicles of Narnia. 

But witches and magic wasn't the only thing I was interested in. I also had the entire collection of Interview with the Vampire books; The Cirque du Freak books and the first four books of the The Sookie Stackhouse Novels. Hell, I even had the Anita Blake books which I mostly read for the smut. 

If you were to open many of those books you would find writings by the side lines. I took from them ideas for spells and potions, either how to recreate them using my future magic or entire new spells. 

The diary I once kept with the my future knowledge was now full of new ideas that I planed on trying out once I had my magic. I was really excited about some of them, like my idea of combining water and wind to using Ice like the White Witch and Queen Elsa. I knew the idea was very 'Naruto' style, but I even had a few idea how to recreate jutsus. Yes, that's how far my imagination ran. Most of them wouldn't work, I knew that. But I just wanted to try them out at least once.

Also, let's just say that my father and Grams were a bit freaked out about my like for the supernatural. I'm pretty sure that when they saw me reading Harry Potter and Wicked they had heart attacks. But they never said anything, not even a word. Hell, not even when they found me watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

But that wasn't the only thing I had been doing the the past years. I had also started my own little magical garden in the woods near my house, hidden from the world of course. I was a small little thing but I was planning on having a vast collection of herbs for future usage. I had specially grown grown Vervain and Wolfsbane, with the future in mind. 

I had also started taking Aikido classes near Whitmore College. While Sheila hadn't  been sure about it when I told her I wanted to start learning how to defend myself, Rudy had been all for it. I suppose every man wants their little girl to be able to defend herself. I wasn't a master by far but I was able to throw a grown man into the floor, and that was a great accomplishment for a thirteen year old girl. Well, forty three year old woman but who's counting nowadays.

I had also begged and cried for a computer, and my father loved to buy my love with gifts so I quickly had one. With that I started taking a few language courses online. I already knew Spanish, Latin and French for my old life so I took a Czech course remembering that travelers spoke their spells in that language and a Portuguese one, since it was similar to Spanish and Latin. I could old a conversation in both languages so I think it was an objective accomplished. 

And now I was putting in practice the most recent thing I had learned from the internet- how to pick a lock. Rudy was god knows where, and Sheila had a class at Whitmore which meant I was all alone at home. I had planned on doing this for quite a while, but I think it was finally the time to visit the attic. The attic as in where Abby kept most of her witch things, and the place Sheila had locked up when my mother had left.

It took me twenty minutes, but I finally got it. Ahh, and they say the internet pollutes the mind of the young, as if. I quickly went inside and closed the door, somewhat afraid of being seen even with nobody else at home.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I looked up only to find a room that resembled the attic from the Charmed tv Show. Seriously it even had a thing to put up my grimoire, or well, by book of shadows. If by book of shadows you meant a pink diary with a disney princess on the cover and a cute little lock shaped like an heart. Hey, no judging. I got that when I was a kid. 

Looking around I saw lots of magical herbs and stones, and other witch objects. Like old gigantic candles, old tomes which were most likely grimoires and shiny athames. Hell, I could even see and old looking cauldron. 

I was about to go explore the place when I felt the wind swoosh, a clicking sound was made and on the place I had been just thinking about putting my pink disney princess diary on an old tome opened on it's own.

"Only shit." I squealed, jumping back a little. I didn't even notice that there was a book there. This was almost like the first Charmed episode. 

I carefully walked towards it, by heart still beating fast in my rib cage. Slowly looking at the dark leather bound book I almost let out a sigh of relief on not finding a triquetra with a circle in it's cover. Good to know I hadn't just dimension jumped into the Charmed universe. Vampires, werewolves and hybrids was all I could take. No demons and whitelighters for me, thanks. 

 I reached towards it, and when my hand touched the cover the talisman on my ring finger trembled in delight and all of the candles in the room lit themselves up. I let out a laugh in happiness.

'Hello magic.'

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