When You Think You Have Time

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May 23, 2009

I've always known this day was coming. The moment Caroline mentioned a bonfire I'm pretty sure I had a major panic attack. Sure I had been preparing myself for this since the moment I was reborn, but still. This was the beginning. The day Elena first met Damon, the day Grayson and Miranda Gilbert died, the day Stefan saved Elena's life. 

This was also one of those things I couldn't change. If I saved Elena's parents, God knows what could happen. You know, like the butterfly effect. Maybe they survived but the town council decided that vampire hunts we're a last century fashion and witch hunts are the next big thing. Or maybe Klaus figures out about Elena before Elijah and before anyone can even blink we're all dead. 

Yeah, call me cold hearted bitch because I'm deciding who lives and who dies all you want. But sacrifices have to be made, and I've been dead before. It's not a big deal. Plus, Grayson Gilbert tortured vampires on his free time, I'm pretty sure karma's involved. 

"Bon, are you listening to me?" Caroline inquired, waving her hand in front of my face. 

"Of course not." I cheekily replied, giving her a smirk. "Why would I've been listening?" 

"Bonnie!" Caroline huffed, putting her hand on her hips. "Take you head out of Hogwarts and listen to me. This is important!"

I put my books in my locker, before turning around to give her an annoyed look. It had been two years since I had told her about my magic and she was still throwing Harry Potter references at me everyday.

"Caroline, it doesn't matter if you curly your hair or straighten it tonight." I reply rolling my eyes, I had been listening, but she didn't need to know that. "You'll still look hot." 

"Wow, so useful Bonnie really." She sarcastically groaned out, letting out a sigh. "I need some action in my life, I mean Elena has a boyfriend!"

"And I've told you that soon this town will have more action than Hollywood, for Merlin's sake." I replied, giving into the Harry Potter references. Sure I could curse by Qetsiyah or by Esther, but I'm pretty sure they could be spying on me from the other side. 

"But you didn't tell me anything." She scream-whispered. "If I had visions of the future I would tell you everything! Why do you have to be all mysterious?" 

I had told her my divination power was my strongest ability, and It could be considered the truth. No other witch in the world could know as much about the future and the past as I did. If my knowledge had come from visions I could truly be the most powerful fucking seer in the universe. I'm just saying. 

"Caroline, the timeline is something that shouldn't be altered. I could tell you something and then you could screw everything up for the worse." I slowly explained, like I was talking to a five year old Caroline.

"Just tell me one thing, just one tiny little thing." She begged giving me her puppy eyes. "Pleeeeeaaasee."

"Fine." I curtly replied, hoping she would stop with those damn annoying puppy eyes. 

"Will I have hot crazy sex with any major hotties?" The blonde inquired, looking at me as if I held the answer to the universe's biggest question.

"Well..." I started, giving her a grin. Only Care would want future knowledge of her sex life, why not the lottery or something? "You will have crazy hot sex in the woods with a major hottie with dimples and an English accent."

"Yes!" She cheered, and I hoped she wouldn't change her mind when it did happen. Because Klaroline was happening, no matter what. 


"Have you seen Elena?" Caroline asked, taking a sip from her beer. I took a large gulp from mine, and pointed towards Elena and Matt who were with the football team near the bonfire. 

"Ugh, look at them." Caroline said, as she took a step next to me. "All perfect and pretty. Who do they think they are, Spuffy?"

"Do you see Matt as a vampire and Elena as a perky blonde vampire slayer?" I inquired, lifting my eyebrows at her. "Cus If so, I deeply regret introducing you to the fantasy genre and all of the fandoms." 

"I'm just saying." The blonde teen replied, taking another large sip from her drink. "Why can't I have a blonde hot guy say romantic things at me? Spuffy was the ultimate power couple, seriously!"

"Do you see Matt saying romantic things to Elena?" I inquired, while I mentally smirked. Spike and Buffy had a relationship that was quite similar to Caroline and Klaus's, and I was making sure that it was going to get a happy ending. "Elena is dull, so is Matt. They're the ultimate dull couple. Together they are even duller."

"Mean." Caroline giggled, and I knew she agreed with me. While her relationship with Elena ran a bit deeper than my own with the doppelganger, we both new the truth. Elena was just so... ugh. 

"You love it, now let's get you home." I said, grabbing her by the arm. I was planing on going to bed early, pretending not to know that the Gilbert's were about to die. 

"You're staying over right?" Caroline mumbled, and I knew she was already tipsy. 

"Sure why not." I agreed, It's not like I have anyone waiting for me at home.


"Girls, I need to speak with you." Sheriff Forbes said, as she entered the kitchen. Caroline and I had been making breakfast, well, lunch as it was two p.m but whatever. 

"What's going on mom?" Caroline asked, while sending a glance my way. She knew I already knew whatever it was, I had been twitchy all morning. 

"There was an accident last night." Liz started slowly, taking a seat at the table. "The Gilbert were on an car crash last night."

"Omg, are they alright?" Caroline inquired, shocked. "Is Elena ok?"

"Elena is fine." Liz stated, giving her daughter a small smile. Meanwhile I was thinking that my plate looked really good, the food was more interesting that this discussion for sure.  "Miranda and Grayson, however..."

"No..." Caroline gasped out, while she sent a wide eyed look at me. I'm pretty sure she's going to be pissed at me, let's hope I don't have to explain myself. I really don't feel like making her carry the burden that is knowing the future. 

"They passed away last night, their car fell off Wickery bridge." Liz finished, with a dark expression on her face. 

"Girls are you going to be alright?" The older woman inquired, after a few minutes of silence. "I need to check out the car crash. Elena is at the hospital, she's still asleep. You'll be able to see her tonight ok?"

We both nodded, not saying anything. The Sheriff let out a sigh before nodding and leaving. As soon as the front door closed, Caroline pounced on me like a tigress that hadn't eaten in days.

"You better start explaining Bonnie."

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