Through the years: The Craft

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A/N: This chapter is full of Harry Potter references for one simple reason. This chapter is dedicated to Alan Rickman, a great actor and a great man. May he rest in peace. 

Summer of 1999, Chicago

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Summer of 1999, Chicago

"Little Bon Bon, your classes are almost finished." Gloria declared as she lit up the candles, of the back room in of her bar, one by one. "Until your powers manifest themselves there's nothing else I can teach you."

"When do you think they will appear?" I inquired, looking around the small room that had become almost like second home in the last two months.

"They should have already, I'm almost sure they are bound at the moment." The older witch said, glancing at me to see my reaction. 

"I'm not surprised." I replied with a sigh, thinking about Grams. "Let me guess, only one from my bloodline can unbind them?"

"Indeed, I wonder if you're the only sane Bennett living dear." She mused, looking at me with delight. "But when your powers are too strong to be contained they'll force themselves out of confinement." 

"Most likely, one of them is an old drunk woman and the other lost her powers and abandoned her child." I reply, amusement in my voice. While they were technically related to me, Sheila and Abby Bennett had not been the best female role-models to have around. Binding a child's magic, was only done in the middle ages because of the potential danger of the witch hunts and even then it was looked down upon. To do so, in the twenty-one century, was almost a sin.

Not only that but magic manifested itself when the witches were either mentally ready for it, needed it to protect themselves or were too powerful to only start learning control later in life. Having this knowledge just proved what I knew about cannon Bonnie, she had too much power and little control. Not to mention that she had been apparently bound, which could lead to problems later. Like getting nosebleeds from easy spells, when using traditional magic. 

"Hey, be careful how you talk about us old drunk witch ladies." Gloria warned, though I could feel her amusement from across the room. "Now get over here, it's time to know if you really learned anything from me."

I walked towards her and noticed the table full of magical herbs and potions. It was like I was in a Potion's class in Hogwarts, though instead of badass Snape I got dragon lady Gloria breathing down my neck.

"Identify the herbs, they effects and uses." Gloria demanded, as I took as seat near the table. 

"The first one is Sage, it's mostly for cleansing and purification of the self and/or place but it can also be used in many healing potions. By burning it can be used for privacy, stopping beings with super-hearing from listening in; it can also be used to induce psychic visions, and helps in the forging of mental connections and all mental spells. "

"Very well." The older witch declared. "Next one."

"Witch Hazel, It's mostly used in divination but It also has healing properties and it's one of the plants used in the blood wound healing potion, or as I like to call it, the blood replenishing potion. " I saw her rolling her eyes at my Harry Potter reference but continued. "Together with Diviner's Sage it can force visions of the past, present and future as long as we have an anchor to said timeline." 

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