The Lost Unicorn

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Things went according to plan, well ... according to canon too. Lucy did a dramatic entrance and gave Katherine the moonstone, which was obviously spelled and the bitch went down. Damon decided that trapping her in the Tomb was poetic justice, and since she wanted the moonstone so damn much she could desiccate with it. Damon was surprised I just handed him the stone for free but kept quiet, I'm pretty sure he knew it was a fake. 

With that done I exchanged numbers with Lucy and she went back to wherever the hell she came from, even though she practically begged me to teach her elementarism I ignored. I learned by myself I'm sure so could she. 

According to her, Grams had a younger brother who was her grandfather. Most of her side of the family had died as well, but she had a younger cousin who was my age- Zoe Bennett. I don't remember more Bennetts being introduced in the show so I squeezed this new cousin's contact information from her as well, you never know when you might need a witch cousin.

After such a long day I crashed into my bed and was dead to the world in seconds. 


I woke up with someone knocking on my front door. I groaned and tried to continue to sleep but the knocking just got more annoying. I finally got up from my warm bed with a growl and practically stomped into the front door. 

"What?!" I grumbled, glaring at however dared to come so early to my house.

"Morning Bon." Caroline greeted with a nervous smile. 

"Why are you knocking?" I asked, a bit less annoyed because it was Caroline but still mostly grouchy because I hadn't had any coffee yet. "You have a key."

"I forgot the keys." She replied, and I could tell she was slightly twitchy. 

"The fuck is going on?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her agitated body language. "You're in my house in the early morning, tense as a lump of wood and you forgot the keys, which you never do. Explain!"

"Well..." She started, nervously combing through her hair. "Stefan woke me up two hours ago, apparently someone kidnapped Elena."

"Really?" I asked, with a huge smile on my face. "Why didn't you start with that? This is a motive for a celebration. I nicked a bottle of champagne last night from the party, we should open it right now."

"This is the part where I tell you that stealing is wrong, but it's not like you would listen," Caroline said with amusement before she narrowed her eyes at me. "Bonnie, be serious for a second! Elena is in danger we need to help her!"

"So that's why your here and all twitchy, the Salvatores sent you to talk me into joining the 'let's save the magical unicorn known as Elena' squad." I said, understanding what was going on. "They're basically using you as bait for their own purposes, where have I heard that before? Oh right, spoilers." 

"Elena's a unicorn?" Caroline asked confused. "What? And what do you meant spoilers?"

I pulled the blonde vampire into the house and closed the door, walking towards the kitchen to fix myself some caffeine. 

"Well, after carefully examining both Elena and Katherine I've figured out why everyone is so damn obsessed with doppelgangers," I explained as I got my favorite mug from the cabinet. "Elena is a unicorn, think about it. Everything about her is so perfect, she's a bloody blessing from God. She has magical blood, it's not silver but that would just have been too weird. She's like a rare pokemon, there are not many doppelgangers running around. Do-gooders like Peaches love her, and evildoers like Damon want to have her. Everyone has the intense need to put their lives on the line if it means she lives, and everything she does will forever be seen as an act of good. Even if it means she kills a whole bloodline of vampires for the selfish need to be human, when everybody and they grandmothers knew she would end up a vampire since the first season." 

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