The Beginning

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"Ugh" I moan reaching to turn off my alarm clock. I get up and take a quick 5 minute shower. When I get out I put on skinny jeans a black t-shirt.

"Come on honey you're going to be late!"
My mom yelled.

"I'm coming, mom!"I put my hair up in a quick bun and run downstairs.

"Hey mom." I say kissing her on the cheek. "I'm going to walk to school."

"Why? It's your first day, why won't you take the bus?"

"I just feel like walking today"

"Are you have nightmares again?" My mom said with concern.

"No, once he was sent to jail the nightmares st-." I was interrupted by my brother running across the kitchen.

"Eric, stop running in the house!" My mom yelled.

"You've got to catch me" Eric said backing up and bumping into a vase. It started to wobble and we all just stared at it as it fell on the ground and broke into pieces.

"Well.... I'm going to go now." I say jogging out the door.

I started to walk to school when I felt this eerie feeling that someone was watching me. I walked faster jogging to school.

When I got there I went straight to my locker. "Okay, Autumn you can do this." I breathed in and walked to my next class, Health.


"Okay class today we will be learning how to deal with stress, and different methods on how to deal with it." The teacher said while writes on the white board.

"The number one stress reliever is sleep. So please take one of these pillows." She walked around handing out pillows for us to sleep on.

"I will dim the lights and let you guys sleep for the rest of the mod. So goodnight don't let the bed bug bite."

I placed my pillow on the desk and rested my head on it. My eyes closed slowly and I began to fall asleep.



I sit straight up, and look around. I'm in my bed and it's 6:30 am.

"Come on honey you're going to be late!"my mom yelled.

Thank you everyone I hope you loved the first chapter!
I will try to update as soon as possible.
Hey guys, I was looking for some good Royal books and I found "Davous" by medieval_knight. It's honestly really good and I thought I should recommend.
Have a nice day!!!

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