"I Love You."

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Kaleb was lying face first on the marble floor.

A puddle of blood was forming around his swollen bruised face. I would have thought he was dead if it wasn't for the very few raspy breaths he would take ever so often. Vince wiped the fresh blood off of his hands and took a step back from Kaleb.

"See Autumn, this all wouldn't be happening if you just showed a little affection towards me. An 'I love you' would have sufficed."  Vince snaps and his men force Kaleb to a chair. Kaleb only lets out a few moans then goes quite.

"W-why?" I stammer out fearful of what he might do to me next. It's strange how one minute you can feel like the most confident women on the earth and the next feel so fearful and weak.

Vince took a deep sigh before answering.
"Jesus Autumn, how many times to I have to answer this fucking question! I love you, and I can't have someone else that loves you as well, that's not how this works!" He shouts and his voice echos off the marble walls.

"That's why the king needed to go and that's why he'll need to go." He mumbled.

"Please Vince, I'll do what you want. Just let Kaleb go, he's done nothing." I begged knowing there was no other way of convincing.

Vince stood there staring at Kaleb as he heard my pleas.

"I can barely look at his face, I can barely look at your face knowing that you two shared a kiss." He says changing the topic.

Vince turns to me, "I thought we shared a connection down in that basement. I told you my story and this is what you gave me in return?" He points to his face where Rowan shot him. He started to silently argue with himself.

"Okay, okay, okay." He mumbled. He pulls out a gun and points it at Kaleb.

Panic fills my body, "Vince! Stop! Please don't do this Vince."

Vince cocks back the gun and puts his finger on the trigger. "Autumn, my love. I'll give you a choice. Either you let me Mark you and Kaleb lives, or you don't allow me to Mark you and Kaleb dies."

There was silence, nothing echoed.

If I accepted for him to Mark me I'd be his forever and always, I wouldn't have a choice, I'd be sick with a murder my whole life. But, I couldn't let Kaleb die.

"Okay Vince.." Before I could give my answer Kaleb coughed in his seat.

"Let me die Autumn, don't do it." He coughed again and blood fell out of his mouth onto the floor.

Vince turned to me with his tired face. "What's the answer Autumn."

"I-I'll let you Mark me, just let Kaleb go."

Vince's face turned into a smile. With the gun still in his hand he walked towards me. When he reached the chair I was tied up he stared me in the eyes. He brushed the hair away from my neck and and a spilt second there was a sharp pain from where he bit me. He kissed me on my lips and went on his knees in-front of me.

"Autumn you are now finally mine." A tear dropped down his pale face and stopped before his missing cheekbone.

"I won't make the same mistake I did with my wife, I won't let you go.  I'll protect you, from everything and everyone." He said 'everyone' with disgust and hesitation.

"Everyone." He repeated. Within the time it took him to say it he lifted his gun and shot Kaleb in head.

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