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We slowly walked down the hallway. We stopped at a huge wooden door.

"All the people in the land are here."

I look at him with confusion.

"I'll explain all of this later."he said looking straight ahead.

I didn't want him to explain later! I wanted answers! But if I argue he might punish me again. He loves me, if I act like I love him, he might trust me, which means I would have a greater chance of escaping.

"Okay." I said looking at him.

The doors open slowly as I here people clapping and cheering.

"Kiss me" he whispered.

I wanted to yell at him but something inside of me wanted to kiss him.
I held in the rage and leaned in. The crowd cheered even louder but all I could notice was his lips touching mine. Sparks went throughout my body. It was one of the best feelings I have ever had. I backed up as we looked each other in the eyes.

"Let's go." He said.

We walked through the door into the cheering audience. The crowd bowed as we walked to two thrones. We sat down in the thrones.

A man with a red velvet pillow with crowns placed on them, came up to our thrones. He gave the crown to Rowan and walked over to my throne to give me one.

I looked at Rowan to see him smiling at me. He stood up and said,

"Alpha's and Luna's, thank you for coming here today for celebration of my mate, and the new queen!"

I just smile and wave. To mask the confusion going on in my head. Mate? Queen? What the hell!

Rowan came to my throne and stuck his hand out.

"Would you care for a dance, darling?"

"I would love a dance." I said lying through my teeth.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard.

"Oww" I whispered.

He ignored me and pulled me to a marble floor. The pianist started playing as we slowly danced together. Rowan put his hand on my lower back, and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you lying to me?" He whispers in my ear. Panic filled my entire body. Maybe I should scream for help, someone in this room has to help me.

"Screaming won't do a thing, darling." He looked at my face and saw the horror I'm my eyes.

"Autumn, after this dance they're going to test you, since you're a human they want to see if you strong enough to be queen."

"Why do you keep calling me a human?" I whisper back looking him in the eyes.

"You'll see shortly enough." He said as a smirk came across his face.

The pianist stopped playing. Rowan leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Stay here I'm going to go back to my throne."

I stayed on the marble floor as Rowan and the whole crowd stared at me. A tall, older man came forward out of the crowd.

He walked up to me and stopped about 10 feet away. He was looking me right in the eyes.

The man got down on his hands and knees. His bones started to pop and his spine was contorting. I looked away in horror. When the popping and cracking of bones stopped I looked back to see a wolf. A musty brown wolf. I stood there in shock. I looked back to see Rowan smiling. I turned back around to see the wolf walking closer to me. I fell back on the ground as it came closer.

The wolf stopped in front of me, growling showing its big canines. It sniffed me , and stared me in the eyes. It felt like he was exploring my soul, like he could see everyone of my memories. The wolf turned around and put his head up, it howled and beautiful song. It looked back at me and bowed its head.

The whole crowed started clapping and cheering as an elder women stood up and said,

"Welcome our new queen, Autumn Bree!"
The pianist started to play and everyone started to dance. I made my way through the crowd and to find Rowan.

"You did well, darling."

"I want answers!" I said angrily.

"Don't you want to enjoy the Ceremony?" He said smirking.

"Very funny." I said sarcastically.
"I want answers now!"

"Fine you want answers I'll get you answers." He said grabbing my hand.

"We're are we going?" I said.

"Don't you want answers? If so, then you better follow me."

Thank you so much for reading!






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