Kidnapped.. Again

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Once again I found myself running up to my room after talking with Rowan. I can't believe he hit me. I remember the night he kidnapped me he whispered into my ear that I loved him and didn't know it yet. Well I'm pretty damn sure I don't love him. I opened my bedroom door and slammed it shut. I immediately ran for my bed. All I need is sleep. I began to fall asleep when I felt something sharp touch my neck.

"Don't make a sound or I'll cut your bloody head off." The sound of his voice was muffled by a mask. I did what he said and didn't make a sound.

He put something over my eyes so I couldn't see. Where was he taking me?! He threw me over his shoulder. And I didn't feel the blade anymore was this my chance to scream? Without thinking I let out a blood curdling scream.

"HEL-" before I could finish I felt a blunt force hit my head and my vision went blurry. Then I finally blacked out.

What did I just do to her? Something just came over me. Her saying that she didn't love me was like a knife to the heart. I do love Autumn. She is the most beautiful women that has ever lived. I don't know why I kissed the girl. When I saw how pained she looked it hurt me. And I could never do it again. When the girl at the party put her hands all over me I didn't even notice, all I could think about was Autumn.

But I need to apologize for what I did too her. I ran upstairs to her bedroom. I was halfway there when I heard a scream for help. I ran and pushed open the door to see the window open with a ladder on the other side. I ran to the window and I saw nothing. It's like she vanished. I looked around her room looking for something, anything. Under her pillow I found a note.

Dear Autumn,
I miss you so much, Eric and I are doing just fine. I know you have a lot of questions, and I should have told you about everything. Your father...your father was a corrupted wolf and I was his mate. I know how insane this must sound but you have to believe me sweetie. Your father was a bad man, who had bad friends. Those friends were out looking for you. The day you went missing I started to panic, I thought they took you. Only shortly I have been told that you are at the kingdom. I really hope you are safe there. Eric and I cannot come in see you since we are in hiding. I love you so much Autumn.

Love, Mom.

I flipped over the note to see a sloppy written message.

Give us the money, or the pretty girl and her family will die. You have 2 days. On the other hand I might keep the girl to myself...

I ripped up the note to the thought of what they're going to do to her. If they lay a finger on Autumn I will give him and his family a slow painful death.

There is no way that a pitiful rogue group can threaten me. The only thing I will be giving them is their head on a stick.

Helloooo!!!!! I wanted to do this quick chapter, because I might not be able to update next week. I'm soo sorry I'll try my best!
I also want to give a shout out to sarbear1113  and itssyd1313.  They helped me get out of my writers block! Love you guys!





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