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The date was perfect. He kissed me on the cheek when we reached my bedroom door. I looked into his eyes, and kissed him once more before going into my room.

"Kaleb...we can't talk about this, I don't want you to get hurt."I said with worry in my voice.

"Don't worry about me getting hurt Autumn. The King couldn't hurt me even if he tried." He smirked when he saw my smile.

"We'll be together one day, I promise." He said while tucking my hair behind my ear. He kissed me on my forehead before leaving.

I took a quick cold shower and rested my head on my pillow. I just lied there thinking about how he made me laugh and how he made me so happy in this dreadful castle.

When I was in a deep sleep I heard my door slam open. I immediately woke up from being startled.

"Your Grace, we need to leave." A stranger who wore the clothes of a maid ran up to me grabbing me out of bed.

"Your Grace we need to hide now!" She had the look of horror on her face as if she had seen something that she can not unsee.

"Wh-What happened?!" I manage to say.

Instead of saying anything she ran down the damp hallways with me following closely behind. She peered around corners before going down different hallways. She finally brought me to a closet that locked from the inside. She went farthest away from the door after locking it and slid down to the ground. Her dark hair was pulled up into a tight bun and her brown eyes were staring off into space, not noticing me.

"Ma'am, what happened." I said to get her attention. She quickly puts her finger on my lips telling me to be quiet.

"Speak softer, they might hear us." She whispers.

"Who might hear us?" I said with a quiver in my voice.

"My Queen...the King is dead. These men came into the kingdom and shot the king while he slept. I over heard them saying that you were free from him now.." She took breaks in between words to hold back from crying afraid someone might hear her.

I looked at her in shock trying to think of something to say, but I couldn't. Thinking about the King's death gave me no emotion. I didn't know how to feel about him dying, for I felt nothing.

"My Queen-" her whispers where interrupted by mens voices laughing. She started to shake making loud sounds.

The men began to talk.

"I mean he talked about her eyes like they were two diamonds."
"I wonder how beautiful she really is." Another guy chimed in.
"Maybe we can steal a few kisses when we find her." They all laugh and stop outside our door.

The woman in the room with me starts to cry bringing the attention to our room.

All the men stop talking and I could hear their shoes moving towards us.

"Anyone in there?" A man tauntingly asks while knocking. She begins to burst out crying while I try to cover her mouth.

The men begin to hit the door down breaking the bolts and the lock. The door falls into the closet almost hitting us. She hugs me tightly in fear.

"Well, well, well. It looks like we found the true beauty." A man with dirty blond hair rips the women off of me and drags me away from her out of the closet. 

I try to swing myself out of his grip and try to kick and hit him. He only laughs as I try to get free. I hear the scream of the girl in the closet as they drag her to another room.

"Put her in the girls room Ace." The man who is dragging me said.

He looked down at me and smiled, "You're as beautiful as he says..." he just continues to laugh as I began to scream.

Kidnapped By The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now