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As I walked up to my room, I think of what I can do to make him jealous. Maybe I can kiss a man in front of him. Or I could up it up and make Rowan think that I slept with someone. I quickly trashed that idea. Even though I hate him. I'm not going to let everyone think I'm some skank. I got up to my room and fell on the bed. As much, as I want to get back at Rowan, which is a lot. I need sleep even more.

A couple hours later I heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked half asleep.

"It's your maid, June, Your Grace."

"Come in." I said standing up out of the bed.

She opened the door very gently, when she saw me she lowered her head and stopped to curtsy.

"I'm sorry if I woke you. But I was sent by King Rowan." She said nervously tucking her red hair behind her ear.

"Why did he send you?" I said.

"He wanted me to tell you that he is very sorry for what he did." She placed a bag on the bed. "And that there is a dance tonight and you are expected to attend."

I let out a huge laugh.

"Well he can expect all he wants, but I think I'll rather stay up here."

She nodded and quickly left the room.

I say back down on the bed and looked in the bag. Inside there was a beautiful golden gown, it was simple which I loved. Along with it was a note.

I opened the note.

Dear Autumn,
I miss you so much, Eric and I are doing just fine. I know you have a lot of questions, and I should of told you about everything. Your father.. Your father was a corrupted wolf  and I was his mate. I know how insane this must sound but you have to believe me sweetie. Your father was a bad man, who had bad friends. Those friends where out looking for you. The day you went missing I started to panic, I thought they took you. Only shortly I have been told that you are at the kingdom. I really hope you are safe there. Eric and I cannot come in see you since we are in hiding. I love you so much Autumn.

Love, Mom.

Tears fell in the note while I was reading it. It felt so good to get the note from my mom and that they where doing okay. I looked over at the dress. Maybe I should give him a second chance. Maybe he really meant it when he said sorry. I looked at the time and realized that I only had thirty minutes to get ready.

I slipped on the dress and put on some basic eyeliner. I brushed my hair to the side and walked out the door I walked down the stairs to the Ceremony room. I got a lot of curtsy's and bows while passing by. As I made it to the room I looked for Rowan. But I couldn't find him. I turned to the nearest person to ask where he was.

"Last time I saw him he was up on his throne, Your Grace."

I turned around to look for him. I spotted him getting himself a glass of wine. I started walking over there when a saw some women walk up and place her hands all over him.

All he did was take a sip of wine. How could I be so stupid, to think of giving him a second chance? I was about to storm off when I saw a young, handsome man. I thought about my first plan, and without thinking of the consequences, I tapped the mans shoulder and when he turned around I kissed him. I held the kiss for long enough that Rowan would notice.

I pushed away from the kiss and look at his face. It was filled with confusion.

"My Grace, what was th-" he stopped him sentence as his eyes widened.

"My king I'm so sorry." He stammered.

I turned around to see Rowan fuming, walking towards me.

"What the hell was that! He yelled.

"Oh, him? He's just one of my toys." I smirk.

"No,no,no. There is no toys with you. You know what he is? Dead."

He grabbed the handsome man by the collar of his shirt and pinned him against the wall.

"Any last words?" He gritted.

"Rowan stop!" I exclaimed. Why is he not getting the irony in this? His angry is so controlling over him.

Rowan began to choke him harder, while the young man struggled to breathe. I ran up to Rowan and gave him a shove. But he acted like a brick wall and didn't move.

"Rowan, let him go!" He dropped the man and turned towards me. His eyes pitch black.

"Are you angry and me for kissing another guy? It hurts doesn't it! I don't even know why it hurt me it's not like I love you!" After saying the last line, I saw Rowan's hand raise and smack me across the face.

I fell to the ground, while my fave stung with pain. But I only laugh.

"Really? Are you jealous? Did you know I was going to give you a second chance? But then I walked in here seeing another girls hands running all over you."

He was breathing heavy not saying a word.

"Ha! Didn't you say you wanted a strong queen?" I said standing up. "Well I believe a strong queen, needs a strong King, doesn't she? Well maybe I can go find one."


HEY GUYS!!! I finally wrote the chapter I promised you! I hoped you liked it! I'm going to try to bring in some new characters as well!

Remember to





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