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I couldn't stop crying, not becausei of the pain, but of the fact that it will get worse. Rowan will never come for me. Why would I expect him to. A wave of emotion and confusion came over me. The fact that he will never come and my body will be slowly taken away from me.

Blood drips down from my foot as I hang from the ceiling. I heard the door open and dread comes over my body.

"Hello, Autumn." His scratchy voice overwhelmed my body. I could alrighty feel the pain he was going to cause me.

"I said hello.." His voice more stern.

"Hello.." I softly whisper. My voice was in need of water and my stomach was growling in hungry.

" I brought you something.." He took a piece of bread out of his pocket. He put it near my mouth.

"Eat." I slowly take a bite of the bread as he watches me.
"Good girl. Now drink" he put a glass of water next to my mouth as I gulped it down.

"Don't drink to fast we don't want you to get sick now do we?" He chuckled under his breath.

"You know Autumn I've taken a liking to you over the past couple of days. Your very....unique." He began to step closer to me.

"You know Autumn I could love you more than the King ever would."
He was know inches away from my face. And I could see every detail. He had deep blue eyes, that where calming for some reason. He had long hair that he swept back with his hands. But the most distinctive feature was the scar. It was a scar going across the top of his neck.

He leaned into my neck and took a deep breath.

"You're unmarked..."

I was about to speak when his mouth clashed with mine. I wiggled within my chains to try to get him off me and tears started to fall down my face. He pulled back and wiped away my tears.

"Don't cry, you have nothing to cry about..." I remain speechless. He looked me in the eyes.
He took a knife out of his pocket.

"Please...please don't do this." I cried. I wanted to be strong, I really did. But I just couldn't do this anymore. I'm tired and in pain. I'm confused and I'm scared.

He puts the knife up to my neck and quickly moves it up to my ropes and cuts them. I fall to the floor with my feet still chained to the wall. I rubbed my wrists.

"Can I tell you a story?" He said looking at me. His face was soft. For a moment it made me forget all the things he has done to me.

"I'll tell you anyway." He sighed.

He sat down next to me and looked straight ahead.

"I was 17 when I met her, 17. She was beautiful.. She was studying to become a teacher, she loves kids. One day I decided to get up the courage to ask her out. She looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and said she would love too. 8 months later I asked for her hand in marriage and she said yes..." He stopped and took a deep breath. Like telling me this was hurting him.
"She was pregnant you know. 4 months with our baby boy. One day she was taken from me..." A tear went down his cheek as I saw him break. A torturer the evil eat man, had a tear come down his cheek.

"The Kings guards came and said that they were here to take her away to the kingdom. I couldn't let that happen but she insisted that everything was going to be alright. While the guards took her away she mouthed, I love you. And that was the last time I saw her and my boy. 8 weeks later a priest came to my door to tell me my wife had died. He said she was brutally raped and killed herself.....the only thing I could think of doing was the same, I grabbed my kitchen knife and cut my throat. But the priest  saved me."

"Your lovers father killed my wife and son. I was the one to volunteer to kidnap and torture his sons lover."

"But once I saw you, you reminded me so much of her. I took the littlest thing I could think of away from you and sent it to him. You being in pain caused me to be in pain."

He turned to me, and looked me in my eyes.

"You can be mine..."

I didn't know what to say. I felt bad for him, for some reason, if I was him I would do the same.

"Wait." I finally said speaking up.

"Why can't you just let me go?" I try to say nicely.

"Autumn I can't do that. I still need the money from your king. And you would run to lover boy and not stay with me."

His eyes was filled with sadness.

"If you let me go I will come back." I said lying through my teeth.

"If you love something let it go. And if it loves you it will come back."

He closed his eyes and sighed.

"I will have to mark you, if you are out there I don't want anyone else to think they can have you."

I didn't want to be marked, I don't even now what that means! But I guess its better than being trapped down here.

"Of course." I said.
He got up and started to kiss me. He reached my neck.
"This will only hurt a little." He said calmly. He began to lightly bite me and I closed my eyes. This will all be over soon.

I heard a loud bang of a gun shot and I quickly opened my eyes. I saw Vince's body fall to the ground and I looked up to see Rowan.
Vince was lying on the ground coughing up blood.

"Vince!" I yelled I got down on the ground and picked up his head.

"Shhhh its going to be okay, you're going to see you're family now." I said through tears.

I know what he did to me, but I can't watch him die. Blood was coming up out of his mouth, he reached for my face and softly wiped away my tears. His hand fell limply down to the ground, and his chest stopped moving.
But his eyes. His eyes looked at peace, like he was finally happy.

I couldn't handle it anymore and I broke down in sobs. Rowan came over and picked me up like a baby.

"Shhh it's okay we're going home now." He whispered.

Hey guys! I almost cried writing this chapter! I hope you guys loved it. I'm going to try to write my chapters this length all the time.


Love you!

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