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Everything around me was a blur, every sound and movement became one. The only thing that was crystal clear was the repeated phrase, "The king is dead" that swirled around in my head.  Sweat dripped onto the wooden chair I was tied to and my wrist where raw from the tight ropes.

I looked around the room I was being held in, it was eerily vast. The room that once held my coronation and was once filled of women and men, was empty.

My eyes where heavy and my head throbbed from being repeatedly kicked by the man who dragged me in here.

Shoes clicking on the marble floor from behind the grand door snapped me back into reality. I heard a familiar voice echo the halls from behind the door. One voice that sent shivers down my spine.

The doors opened and I slowly lifted my head as it felt like weights where attached to it. I struggle to keep my head up and my eyes open. My eyes tried to make out the figure in front of me but it couldn't. My head dropped as I could not hold it up much longer. The clicking of the shoes stopped abruptly when the figure stood in front of me. It kneeled down and caressed my cheek, and with its thumb it outlined my jaw.

"You're just as beautiful as I remember." He said in a shrilling tone. The man put his hand gently under my chin and moved my head upwards.

"Look at me." He kept his hand in the same place and I could sense his eyes staring at me. I slowly opened my eyes scared of what I might see.

"H-how?" I managed to say through my blood filled mouth.

He just laughed, Vince just laughed. His laugh filled the empty space but replaced it will fear.

"You mean how did I survive getting shot in the head by your little boyfriend... husband..." He struggled to find the right word.

"Whatever he is, he's dead." He spat out in a burst of anger.

He paced around back and forth in front of my chair trying to calm himself down. He took a deep sigh and turned on his heels to face back towards me.

My vision became clearer as I stared at him. He had the same scar from ear to ear on his neck. When I looked up at his face I noticed that on his right side he was missing a chunk of cheekbone. His face was like a puzzle that was missing a piece.

"I'm just grateful the king was a bad aim." He smiled as he expected me to laugh, I reminded silent.

"Well you're no fun today are you?" He moved the chair I was tied to closer to him. His face was inches from mine and I could feel his breath touch my skin. His hand reached into his back pocket and slowly brought his knife to my face. He caressed the knife against my face like he did his hand.

"Why?" I stammer.

"Why?" He whispers. "Because I love you Autumn... you can only be mine... That's how this works, that's how all of this works. I couldn't have you while the king was marking you like some trophy. I just want you to myself..." He leans in and forcefully kisses my lips. I squirm with all the energy I have and after a long moment he finally removes his lips from mine.

"See...see, that doesn't make any sense." He slams his hand on the arms of my chair causing me to flinch.

"You're suppose to kiss back Autumn..." Vince said in a taunting type way.

"You don't love me do you?" He looked into my eyes and just stared.

"You have feelings for someone else don't you?" I remained silent.

"Don't you?!" He screamed inches away from my face.

I tear streamed down my face as I continue to look him straight in the eyes.

"I didn't want to do this Autumn... bring him out." He snaps at one of the men that where standing next to the grand door.

The man opened the door and vanished behind it for a couple of seconds. He came back in with a body over his shoulder. He walked up to my chair threw the body down.

It was Kaleb, his hands where tied behind his back.

"What have you done to him?!" I snap.

"Oh darling, I've done nothing to him yet." He smiled at me and tucked my hair behind my ear.

Kidnapped By The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now