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Autumn POV
I slowly open my eyes, to see myself chained to the wall. The sad part is I wasn't shocked. This felt normal being prisoner. I looked around the room to see damp, cold stone walls.

Why is this happening to me? What on earth have I done to deserve this?
My thoughts where interrupted by a door opening.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, Autumn.."

His voice was dry as he spoke. I couldn't make out what he looked like, all I could tell was that he was very tall.

He walked closer to me until he was inches away from my face.

"Autumn... That's a very nice name. I guess your parents really loved the season." He said with a light chuckle. I remained silent.

"So I guess I'm going to do all the talking.. I'm Vince, let's just say I'm a bad person that does bad things to people." He looked be up and down.

"Rowan, The mighty King! Also known as your lover. Owes me a large some of money. And what better way to get it from him. Then take his precious toy.."

I began to move in my chains not being able to speak.

"Ah, ah, ah." He said taking out his knife and pressing it on my cheek.

"I'm not done talking yet."

"Now where was I.. Oh! Everyday your lover doesn't give me my money, I'll give him a part of his toy."

I look at him blankly. What? He's going to torture me until Rowan pays off his debt? I can't believe this is happening to me I just can't do it. A tear begins to fall down my cheek.

"Oh don't cry. You're going to want to say that for later." He said laughing and walking off. He closed the door behind him. Leaving me alone in the room.

I run down to Nicole's room and slam open the door.

"Nicole, need you to help me!" I said yelling at her.

She looked a bit shocked.

"Okay! But first you have to tell me what it is."She said sarcastically.

"Autumn.. Autumn she's been taken.." I say silently. I'm ashamed of myself. How could I let Autumn yet taken? I should have stopped them, I should've killed every last one.

"Oh my gosh!" She gasped.

"I need you to tell me where she is. Can you do that?" I've seen here do it before. She used it to find Autumn the first time land it took weeks to finish.

"Alright, since it's done before I've got all the stuff prepared, but it's going to take a day or two.."

"Two days!" A yelled. I couldn't control my anger. Thinking of all the things that she could be doing to her made me even more angry.

"It's okay, we'll find her."

24 hours later
I couldn't get any sleep thinking about Autumn. She must be so scared to be in a strange place alone. I would go out and look for her but that would be to dangerous in her part. I have to make it seem like I'm thinks about the deal inside of trying to find her.

My thoughts where interrupted by a knock at the door.

"What is it?"

An older man came in very slowly
And stuttered,
"My King, there is a gift for you."

He placed it down on my bed and scurried away. I looked at the box. It was oak wood with a ribbon tied around it. I slowly opened the box to see nothing but red velvet carpet lining. I felt around the book to find a false bottom as I slowly lifted it up I saw blood. When I lifted it up all the way. I saw 2 whole toe nails lying there covered in blood. With a note.

If you don't give me my money soon, you'll end up with her whole body in little pieces.

Hi guys! I know it's been so long, I'm really trying to update. I just keep getting writers block. If you guys want to suggest any ideas of what you want to see happen you can right here!
Love you guys!

OH! I almost forgot! I am reading this new book called Not Alone by Holt_Dewlin. It's a very interesting read. I really recommend it.

Remember to




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