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Nicole grabbed my hand and dragged me through the castle. I have to say for a blind person she knows her way around. We finally ended up in a bedroom, it was stunning. The room had gold objects hanging all over the walls. What caught my attention was a big, beautiful cabinet with a lock on it. I walked over and reached for the lock.

"Please don't touch that!" Nicole shouted.

I dropped my hand and walked over and sat on the bed. Nicole walk over and slowly sat next to me.

"So why do you want to talk to me?" I asked.

"Autumn, I know what you're thinking. That this is all a weird dream and it will be over any second now. Well, you need to wake up. This is reality, this isn't a dream." Nicole answered in a harsh voice.

"Autumn, this kingdom needs you. You're changing Rowan somehow. When the rogues captured me, Rowan made them a deal. That they would let there pack roam free, Rowan a month ago would have killed every single rogue and even me, before accepting that deal. You're making him see that something else is important.

I felt heat raise to my cheeks. For some reason I had the desire to be near his, to hear his voice.

"Am I the reason?" I ask.

"Well, that's would be my guess."

I had to talk to Rowan.

"I'll see you later, Nicole." I said while walking out the door.

I ran to the garden hoping that he was still there.

"Rowan!" I shouted trying to find him. I looked through the whole garden and found nobody. I walked in the building to get out of the sun. On the corner of my eye I saw something against the wall, so I turned around.

There I saw, Rowan and some girl making out.

I was crushed and I don't know why. I don't like him, I think... A wave of anger came upon me. I walked right up to them and ripped the girl off of Rowan.

"What the h-" The girl said before turning around and seeing who I was.

"I'm so sorry your highness" She said and ran away.

That only left me and Rowan. He just started laughing.

"Wow, I didn't know you liked me that much...are you jealous, darling?" He said smirking.

"I'm not jealous! I just want to know why I'm here if your making out with some whore!" I yelled.

"You want to go home?" He smiled and took a step closer to me.

"Obviously.." I mumbled.

"You're not very pretty when you mumble." He said taking another step.

"Rowan, Nicole told me about the deal. I know you care about me."

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "You think I would care about you?"

"Because if you don't care about me, then let me go home." I said.

"I can't. Because I do care about you." Before I could say anything his lips clashed against mine.  I stood there stunned. Sparks went through my body. But then I remembered Rowan kissing that other girl just 10 seconds ago. I pushed away.

"I-I can't." I stuttered.

"Why? What's wrong, darling."

Was he serious? He was just kissing another girl 10 seconds ago and he asked me what's wrong!

"You where just kissing some girl a minute ago, and now your kissing me and saying you care about me?"

"Darling, she was nothing but a toy to me."

Does he say this to all the girls? Am I a toy to him? Why should I care anyway, it's not like I like him!
The best way to play this game is to get even. He thinks he can do whatever he wants because King. I can do whatever I want because I'm Queen.

"Okay. You can go and have fun with your toy." I said with a smirk. And walked away. Have a master plan the key ingredient is jealousy.


I can't believe I have 900 reads!! Thank  you all so much for reading you all have been awesome!





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