Trying to Love

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It's the little things in life that makes you happy. The birds chirping, the bees buzzing. It's just so simple. I was finally at peace in the garden. Everything about Vince and Rowan just stopped. I just thought about nothing. I felt safe, the garden was the only place I could be alone. My thoughts where interrupted by a deep voice.

"Hello my queen, I don't mean to bother you, but the king wanted me to check on you."

I didn't turn around to look at him. "I'm alright, thank you." I said quietly.

"Are you sure ma'am?" I turned around to see a man with his long hair in bun, and emerald green eyes and he looked a bit older than me.

"Can I ask you something?" The question just flew out of my mouth without me thinking.

"Of course my grace." He walked over and sat on the bench I was sitting on.

"Do you love someone." I said looking him in the eyes.

There was a moment of silence, as I could tell he was thinking.

"I do, I love someone very much back home, my grace."

"What does that feel like?" I want to be loved. It's as simple as that. I want true love, love that can't be separated. I only felt love once in my life. But that's when I was 16 and young.

"Um, love my grace, is something that's wonderful. But love isn't something like the movies, its not instant. You have to work for love, you have to build the relationship and trust. I'm sure you'll learn to love the king my grace."

His last comment caught me off guard. Learning to love him would be very hard, but it's the only thing I can do. I can't stop fighting him. I can't stop fighting the feeling. Whenever I'm around him I feel good, it's just this uncontrollable feeling.

" I didn't catch your name." I said.

"It's Adam, my grace." He said while slowly getting up.  "Have a nice day." He finally said before turning around and leaving the garden.

I sat there for a couple more minutes thinking about what I should do. I finally decided to go and talk to Rowan. I walked to his office where I knew he would be. The great oak doors were partly opened so I slowly walked in. I saw Rowan sitting down at his desk filling out a paper.

"I'm sorry." I said, whiched caused him to look up.


"Please let me finish, I'm sorry for not forgiving you. I know what you did to me, and I know it wasn't you when you did those things..... I want to make this work. You and me. We need to make this work." I stopped my monologue waiting for a response from Rowan.

He just continued to stare at me. "There is nothing to be sorry about, darling. I love you and I will always love you."

Rowan began to walk towards me and stopped right in front of me.

"I want to marry you darling." He said with a smile. His smile was beautiful, it was so rare to see and it brought a smile to my face.

" I thought we were already married." I said questioning him.

"We are darling, but I want you to have your dream wedding."

All of this was coming so fast, I just apologized for everything and now he wants to have a wedding.

"Um, I'll think about it." I said jokingly.

He let out a small laugh and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"You are so beautiful Autumn." Before I knew it Rowan was leaning in for a kiss, this time I didn't want to back away, I wanted him to kiss me.

Hey guys!!!! I hope you loved this chapter, I feel like I'm going to be ending the book in a couple more chapters. I hope you like it. Also, thank you guys so much for 20k reads!!!!! I'm so excited!! I love you guys!!!!

Remember to




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