One Secret

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It's been 2 days since I talked to Kaleb and I honestly couldn't figure out why he called me Mouse. I know it's weird how fixated I am on knowing, but I have to know why.

I slowly get out of my comfortable bed and take a quick cold shower and slip on a long yellow dress that was hanging in my closet. I let my brown hair down and quickly put on eyeliner and mascara. I made my way down the stone hallways until I reached the training hall. I know that today was the training for the children, so I quietly opened the door and shut it behind me and slipped into the back of the hall.

I looked around for Kaleb, I couldn't find him until I saw him with a small group of children teaching them how to kick.
I just stood and watched as Kaleb talked to them, and the little kids had all their attention on him. They were fascinated with him it's like they looked up to him as if he was their father.

I saw him say something to the kids and they ran away laughing and playing with each other. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked around the room until he made eye contact with me and smiled. He did a little jog over to me as he pulled his hair back.

"What are you doing here Mouse?" He asks.

"Well I am here because I am dying to know why you chose that nickname for me." I say with sarcasm.

"You don't get it Mouse?" He says raising his eyebrow.

"No, no I don't and honestly I'm dying to know, so..... Why don't you just tell me" I say with a cheesy wink. I honestly do not care why he calls me what he does, it's just nice to talk to someone who isn't insane.

"Well, if you must know. It's because of your last name sweetheart."

And that's where it struck me, of how simple it was.  My last name is Bree and he calls me Mouse.

"That's real original" I say.

"Well I find it quite amusing." He said with a light chuckle.

"Is that all you came for?" He asks me.

I don't know what to say to that, it just feels nice talking to him. Someone so different.

"Mouse?" Kaleb says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I was wondering if you're interested in going to dinner with me tonight."

"Oh, Um Kaleb... I would love too, I really would, but Rowan wouldn't be happy and I don't want you to get hurt." I say sadly.

"He doesn't have to know now does he? You know what? It's up to you. I'll be in the garden at 7, you can come if you want." He says walking away.


5 hours go by and it's 6:30, and I still have no clue on what to do. I could go and have a wonderful evening, but have a chance of getting Kaleb hurt. Or play it safe and not go at all.

It was coming closer to 7 and I finally made a decision. I get off of my bed and make my way down the familiar stone hallways. I reach the garden and see Kaleb sitting down at one of the stone benches.

"Kaleb.." I said. He turned around with a smile on his face.

"This isn't a good idea, you'll get hurt."

"How much damage could one dinner do Mouse?" He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Just this once." I said with a smile.


Hey peeps! Happy Thanksgiving! This chapter is a short one. It's manly just a filler chapter because I have a lot planned before the ending.

Remember to...




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