Wedding Plans

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Vince's men stepped forward and untied me from my chair as Vince walked out of the doors. They grabbed me by my arms and forced me to a standing position. My legs were numb so they dragged me. They dragged me past Kaleb's lifeless body, I tried to look away but something inside me told me not, that I couldn't forget what Vince had done to him. 

The men threw me into my room and closed the door behind me, locking it. I paced the room with the little energy that I had left trying to wake myself up from whatever nightmare I'm in. I was just a normal teenager, I had just began my senior year, the year everyone is supposed to be happy about. And now I'm just a helpless girl held prisoner by a psychopath who just killed my last hope of happiness. The only way out of this is to escape.   

Escaping. An idea I should have gone through with a long time ago.  I just need to escape, run away, maybe hide in the woods and live there all my life. Alone.

My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knocking at the door.

The door opened softly and closed the same way. A girl around the age of thirteen entered the room.

"Um, Queen Autumn... Th-the King is waiting for you. H-he said to wear something nice..."

When she said the king confusion filled my body.

"I thought the king was dead?" I said.

The girl petrified with fear managed to speak, "K-King Vince, Ma'am. He claimed the throne and no other packs apposed." Tears filled the girl's dark brown eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Charlotte, Ma'am." She answered hesitantly.

"It's okay Charlotte, I won't let anything happen to you." I tried to form a smile to comfort her.

"How? How will you protect me when you can't even protect yourself."." Charlotte let out a sad sigh and wiped away her tears. She turned around and closed the door gently on the way out and locking it.

She was right, Charlotte. I don't even know if I'm safe. Vince said that he won't let anything happen to me but how am I sure.

I put on a long black dress and a black shawl, attempting to cover most of my body that I can. I knock on the door and it opens. Two of Vince's men grab me by the arm and lead me to the dining room.

The floor was dark spruce, it shined so beautifully that you could see your own reflection. The table was bare, the same dark spruce but somehow ugly. Nobody sat around the table, no laughs were heard, except for Vince. He sat there, staring at my expressions, trying to comprehend them. But I remained emotionless, trying not to show the fear that I have shown before.

"Come, sit, and please join me darling." He pulls out a chair that sits across from him.  I sit in it as he slowly pushes me in.  He traces his finger around my mark and he smiles.

"So, Autumn... I suppose you have heard by now, that I'm the new King." He smiles like a child on Christmas, like something he's been waiting his whole life too get.

"I have, congratulations." I say flatly.

He ignores the infliction and continues. "Now Autumn, you see, we will have to have a wedding. So everyone knows that you're officially the Queen. We don't want any confusion on the part."

"Of course." I say forcefully.

"I do want to tell you that there will be the other packs here, to celebrate with us."

Hope fills my body, if there are other packs here they could help me, help me escape. A plan started to race through my head and I finally got an idea.

"But Autumn, darling... I don't want you getting any ideas." His eyes start to trace my neck.

"You are mine, after all."

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