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Before things had gone out of hand I slightly pushed Rowan away from me and our lips separated. I looked down and bit my lip, knowing I rejected him but I still hope he understands that I'm not ready for anything like that yet. I could hear him breathing deeply and his hands where against the wall, pinning me between him and the wall. I could tell  he was trying to control his wolf. I looked up at his arms and he was clenching and unclenching his biceps and triceps. I didn't realize that he would be this dramatic with being told No.

"I'm going to give you a minute." I said and ducked underneath of his arm, I chose not to look back and I headed out of his office and into the dark hallway. It was night and the crescent moon was shining through the glass pane window creating an eerie feeling to course inside of me.

It was unusually quiet, so I lurked around the corners with extreme caution. As I turned the corner I rammed into a wall, only to find out that wall was moving and a male.

"I'm so sorry." I say looking up at the guy, his dark blue eyes reminded me of the crescent moon that shined through the window pane and his black hair reminded me of the night sky. This guy was handsome.

"I should be the one saying sorry, My Queen." He swept into a gracious bow and combed his messy hair back with his fingers.

"What are you doing up so late?" He asks. I really don't want to tell him the real answer, that will humiliate both Me and Rowan.

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to get a glass of water." I say lying threw my teeth. He looks curiously into my eyes and smiles.

"Well then I believe it is my duty to tell you that you are going in the completely wrong direction." He says folding his arms together, which causes his biceps to flex. I look at him not knowing what to say, utterly speechless.

"Follow me, I'll show you." He walks in front of me and starts to walk threw the dark hallway. I pause for a couple seconds thinking if I should follow him, but why shouldn't I? I begin to jog lightly to keep up with his long strides. After a couple of minutes of walking we finally reach the magnificent kitchen.

"Thank you..." I say and then realize I don't know his name.

"Kaleb." He says. "My name is Kaleb I am a fighter, your probably have never seen me, I usually patrol and train the young pups." He continues to say and grabs a glass from the top cabinet and fills it up with water from the sink. He slides it over to me and I take a sip. I laugh and begin to speak.

"So you like kids?" I say and take another sip.

"I do, I've always wanted a small army of pups." He says and I start laughing and he chuckles lightly.

"Did you find your mate?" I say curiously. His face then changes into a frown, I knew I had hit a tough topic.

"Yes, her name was Yasmine." He says. I looked down not knowing what to say.

"No worries my Queen, there is no need to say sorry or anything like that." I look up at him and I watch as he combs his hair with his fingers once more.

"Please call me Autumn, I don't like being called Queen." I quickly change the subject and he laughs.

"To be honest I rather call you Mouse." He says. I look up at him in confusion. Mouse? Where did he pull that one from?

"Don't worry, I have a reasoning behind it, but you are smart enough to figure it out." He smiles and winks playfully, I'm happy that the subject has completely changed and we are no longer talking about his dead mate, although I want to know more I don't want to ask him any question.

"Alright Mouse, I need to resume duty in patrolling this lovely place." He emphasizes the word lovely with sarcasm and I laugh.

"Good day" He says with a more serious tone and flashes me a sexy smiles and walks out of the kitchen.

Hey guys! I know it's been a while and I keep on making promises but I'm really trying to write more frequently. And I will alway and forever Love you guys!
Remember to...




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