The End

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I slip on the dusty yellow tinted dress that had once belonged to Vince's previous wife.  A weird sensation poured over me as I starred at myself into the mirror. My dark brown hair flowed down the back of my dress and my posture loosened as I look a deep breath. 

I was going to escape tonight. I was going to escape either it be to the woods or by death, I will escape. I will play the part until the time comes, I will act out the perfect fantasy that was dreamt up by Victor until I can no longer bare it. The familiar knock at my door does not give me that terrifying feeling, but gives me reassurance that the time is near. Charlotte open my door slowly and with glossy eyes tells me that the guest have arrived. I take another deep breath and nod as I know truly what will become of my fate. Ever since I was young I did not like to dream or hope of a fictional reality that would never happen, but It was better to prepare for what actually occur.

 Death, that is what will occur. There is no way to put that lightly, as I starred awake last night at the ceiling I thought of the likely reality of the other clans actually saving me would be. Sure, they might not support Vince being king, but they supported the other sadistic prick that ruined my life so what make me think they will find me worthy of saving. 

Charlotte closes the door and a take a final look at myself in the mirror, I straighten my back and hold my head high. If I am too die I am too die with the little dignity I have left.

My heels echo as I pass the line of guests that are spread out evenly on the hallway walls. They watch me; sharing their whispers and laughs. I come around a corner were a pair of large oak doors sat armored closed. The guards in front of me unlatched the locks and with great effort swung them open. 

Deafening silence filled the ceremony hall, no music was playing only the sound of my heels where filling the void. Vince stood up out of his throne with the guards near by, the guest starred with hard glares and genuine curiosity. 

"Please, my darling Autumn, have a seat." Vince's voice broke the silence, he gestures towards the chair next to his throne. Vince voice begins to project again.

"Thank you all for coming here today to celebrate the marriage between me, your new King, and your beloved Queen Autumn. Today, however, will be different from most. I am under the impression that most of you don't support me as your new King... Rouge, insane, widowed and childless..." There was a longageted pause and loud whispers began to spread across the room rapidly. 

Vince let out a deep laugh that broke the whispering. "However, however, however.... Im willing to forgive and forget. But first... I think we out to make a couple of changes." Vince snapped his fingers and his men and guards began moving in the crowd rounding up all the men. They tossed all the men onto the floor in front of the throne. Most of the men where yelling at Vince calling him slurs, some were crying knowing what was about to come.

"Now, now, now... shhhh. It has come the time to get rid of the men who supported our previous 'king'. The ones who made me the way I am." With another snap of his fingers his men take out their guns and begin to shoot all the men that were round up.

I looked at Vince who was laughing with tears streaming down his face, his guards killing the hopeless men in the crowd. 

This was the time. This was my time to take the chance, to escape. To accept my faith and try to change. While Vince laughs at the agonizing death of the men, I take off my heel and inch behind him. I raise my arm high and jam my heel right in his neck.

Blood splatters all over the white dress. Vince falls to the ground grasping at his neck, attempting to pull out the heel. He gasps for breath as I stare at him. Chaos is still unfolding around the room, women and children screaming for their husbands unnoticed of what I have done.

I take off my other shoe and run. I run through the crowd of crying people without looking back, without helping. I run through the opening oak doors and down the empty halls. I run as fast as I could never looking back.

"Autumn..." I hear a tiny voice come from the hallway I was passing. Charlotte was standing their tears streaming down her face. Without hesitation I grab her hand and we run. Out the door of the castle and towards the forest. 

Together we just run.


** Thank you all so much for reading this books it's truly been a journey writing this. However, I do think its time I call it quits on writing this as I started in my freshman year in high school and now I finish on my first year of college. Hope you guys fully enjoyed Autumns "character development". 

Have a blessed new decade my lovelies. 

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