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My name is Herondale, William Herondale.◢



LIGHT brought back Marie from her unconsciousness, tearing her weakened being away from the world of darkness and terror.

"Why would you do something so stupid?" Tessa's rushed voice greeted Marie's ears. "Why would you stand up for me, knowing that this would happen? Why would you suffer so much just so I wouldn't be hurt?"

The Shadowhunter girl couldn't help but smile, gathering last ounces of her strength to endure the flickers of pain that overflowed her body. She sat up, giving a tight squeeze to Tessa's hands.

"Tess⎼" Marie began speaking, but as soon as Tessa's name left her lips, the brunette's body twitched and the girl coughed, spitting out dark red blood. Her white dress was once again ruined.

Tessa ripped her hands from Marie's grip, gathering messy brown curs away from Marie's face.

"S⎼S⎼Stupid Downworlders," Marie cursed them under her breath. "If only I had my steele, this wouldn't hurt as much."

By now, Tessa was already familiar with some of the Shadowhunter terminology, mostly due to all those late⎼night⎼early⎼morning conversations she had with Marie. The pair went over so many topics throughout their time of imprisonment.

Tessa had heard all about different kinds of weapons Shadowhunters used, the Institutes they lived in, angels they believed in and showed deep gratitude to. Marie, on the other hand, listened to stories about Tessa's family ⎼ how her mother died not too long after she gave birth to Tessa, how her father is still unknown to her, how her aunt Harriet raised both Tessa and her brother Nate. Tessa was supposed to meet him in London, but was caught by the Dark Sisters before she managed to do so.

"Marie," Tessa's voice was low and careful, almost as if she would have hurt Marie by being louder. "You need to rest and regain your strength."

"Indeed," Marie agreed. "But trust me when I say that these wounds would not prevent me from beating their arses."

"W⎼Where are you going, Tess?" Marie's voice broke against her will. She found it very hard to articulate certain words; she found it hard to talk in general. The pain that coursed through her body was unbearable for her weak and beaten⎼up body. She could even feel the rough fabric of her dress touching her newly⎼gained wounds on the back. Her sliced wrists were no better.

"The Sisters let me visit you for just a few minutes, to make sure you are okay. I begged them to do so."

The statement sparked Marie's interest. "Where are they now?"

"Marie," Tessa warned her friend, already getting an idea of what the Shadowhunter had planned. "Don't do anything stupid, please."

"Tess, calm down. Just tell me where they are. I promise I won't get myself into any trouble," Marie was bad at telling lies, and Tessa had known this. But before she could even start arguing with Marie, familiar voices were heard just outside the door of Marie's bedroom.

"Tess, help me get up."

Tessa, being polite, obeyed Marie and let her lean against her small frame. The pair approached the door, their ears focusing on the Sisters' conversation.

"I think that both girls are ready for Magister," Mrs. Dark stated.

"That's right. He is ready to marry Tessa and use the Shadowhunter girl," Mrs. Black made a comment which brought a feeling of confusion upon Marie.

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