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Listen, Tess. The two of us have been through a lot. We experienced pain, shared laughter ⎼ we got to know each other's hearts. Therefore, I need you to remember something. When you're alone, I'll be your shadow. When you wish to cry your soul out, I'll be your shoulder to do it upon. If you desire happiness, I'll be your smile. When you need a friend ⎼ no, when you need family, you can count on me. I'll always be there for you.◢



THE weather was awfully nice for London. The temperature was warm and the air velvety on the skin. Sun rays were dancing around the town, washing every building and every person in orange light. There were a few clouds in the blue sky, drifting by with the occasional breeze.

Even though London traffic was dreadful, none of the four companions let that affect their mood. They were set on having a pleasant day.

The moment they reached West End, boys and girls parted ways. According to Marie, she had to help Tessa seek new dresses in order to replace Jessamine's already old and faded ones. Will, of course, wasn't interested in visiting dressmaker shops, so he decided to drag Jem along with him, far away from the stores women were set on visiting.

The female pair's heels clicked against the stone sidewalks, colliding with wild crowds of people as they admired the architecture of the lined buildings. Marie couldn't help but chuckle at the way Tessa's eyes let the charm of the grand monuments sink into her busy mind. The girl was afraid that if she dared close them, she would miss something great.

Marie, on the other hand, examined the shops, looking for a dressmaker's sign. It was a hard task to achieve considering that people were filling the street like busy ants that were hurrying to prepare their new home before the winter arrived, not to mention the variety of shops that existed. There were antique and art stalls, jewelry shops even stores that sold leather goods. England was leading in industry and it was more than proud to show it.

Finally, after what seemed to be forever, the brunette's gaze landed on Madame Beaudet's. The name sounded familiar to Marie; it was because Jessamine used to talk about the shop that made the finest dressed in the entire London, and not only for that ⎼ but because, according to Jessamine, Madame Beaudet was the kindest person to ever live.

"Here, Tess," Marie pointed at the inscription that was written over the enormous window. "I remember Jessamine mentioning the store. Do you want to come in and see what they have?"

Tessa seemed unsure, mostly because she didn't want to be a financial burden to Marie ⎼ even though she had assured her that she didn't need to worry about money.

"Okay," the girl nodded, giving Marie the sign that she could enter the shop.

The first thing that greeted Marie was the inviting smell of new fabrics. Various colors of finest linen and silk materials lined the ceiling⎼high shelves. The exposed types of dresses didn't disappoint either.

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